The Worst Album Covers in the World — Part 23

Colin the Crypto Ocelot
6 min readAug 19, 2022

Making music for horny young people can mean many things. None of those things are this.

Finding a way to pump your album can be challenging. You might find yourself getting red faced but need to take a deep breath and suck it up…is advice that was taken far, FAR too literally by Wasnatch.

Welcome back to the Worst Album Covers in the World. The series which helps to remind you that you might not be completely horrible at your job after all.

Getting things underway this episode is a timeless classic made for future generations. Or, as I prefer to see it, a glimpse into tomorrow where humanity’s main pastimes consist of partying, fighting space bats and shagging sex robots.

Early 70’s scif-fi is responsible for many stupid ideas and concepts pitched to investors. Even the most brainwashed of idiotic Californian millionaires must have thought twice about investing when this album was unceremoniously puked out of the recording studio.

Marking yourself out as hot shit in the Rap game is nothing new. Advertising your Rap album WITH hot shit is brand spanking new. Meet unthreatening gangster stereotype…



Colin the Crypto Ocelot

Award nominated blogger and freelance writer. Medium Top Writer status in Humor, Music, Comedy, Sport and NFT.