The Worst Album Covers in the World — Part 6

Colin the Crypto Ocelot
6 min readSep 14, 2021

There are occasions when you encounter something so staggeringly bad you are stopped dead in your tracks. You look again and think “No, that’s simply not possible” but there it is, in all it’s…glory?

You would be completely within your rights to ask “what the fuck is this nonsense”? Is it a dance that was wildly unpopular? Could it be a promotional poster for the cheapest toy imaginable designed for impoverished children? If my research has taught me anything with this series to date then it’s definitely, definitely door number 1.

Welcome back to Part 6 of the World’s Worst Album Covers. The series celebrating more of humanity’s unbelievably poor musical decisions.

Occasionally my ‘research’ lets me down though and, sadly, it has done so this time with a Greek entry. This human microphone that sings into a real microphone has a name that I don’t know and has an album title I’m unsure of. Amphetamine Tzatziki? Could be!

Older readers may recognise a no nonsense Hasselhoff-esque charm that this nameless, warbling, fire hazard was trying to pull off. Older and younger readers alike can see just how well that’s worked out for…



Colin the Crypto Ocelot

Award nominated blogger and freelance writer. Medium Top Writer status in Humor, Music, Comedy, Sport and NFT.