The Worst Album Covers in the World — The Best of the Worst

Colin the Crypto Ocelot
7 min readJan 24, 2022

I’d like you to picture a scene. It’s a kids birthday and her parents have booked the entertainment. Can you imagine the look of abject misery on that child’s face as her friends come over expecting The Smurfs only to be spend an afternoon ‘entertained’ by the music of these two bellends? Well I can, and it cheers me up no end!

Welcome to the Best of The Worst Album Covers in the World! As the milestone of 20 episodes has been reached, it felt like it was time to do a roundup of my favourite jokes or the covers that left a lasting impression on me, even after all this time.

Getting the anniversary edition underway is one from Episode 2. Age should never be a factor in a true musician’s career. Even if your band’s combined age is older than religion itself, there will always be a market out there for you. Meet the exception to that rule.

I’m confident nobody mentioned that sour cream isn’t a ‘delight’ to the band before committing this nightmare-fuel to film. Well, not the sourness of this cream anyway. And unless I’m sorely mistaken, one of them has an actual beard!



Colin the Crypto Ocelot

Award nominated blogger and freelance writer. Medium Top Writer status in Humor, Music, Comedy, Sport and NFT.