2 min readMay 22, 2017

The Sexiest Team Communication App In The World

If you know anything about Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Messenger and even the big daddy of it all Slack, you’d definitely know that besides being a team communication app they have more things and features in common, first and foremost being their messy UI.

It’s not their fault, with so many features laden in one app it had to get messy, but the question here is why so many features? No doubt all the features are encompassed thinking enhanced team productivity in mind but, are so many features being used the way they should be? A lot would depend team to team but then also how many features can be used at one time.

Too many buts confuse the productivity.

Are the features being added just to win the rat race, to show who’s got it all or are they really useful?

Collabe is not a part of this race, not because it doesn’t have a Facebook or a Google or a Microsoft or a Slack attached to it, but because Collabe aims only at enhancing team productivity by giving features that work for it.

Nothing fancy, just the basics with a neat UI and neater productive result making Collabe the sexiest team communication app in the world coz simple is sexy.