Registered Reports at Collabra: Psychology

Collabra: Psychology
2 min readSep 27, 2017


We are delighted to announce the launch of Registered Reports at Collabra: Psychology!

Authors can now review the detailed guidelines here, and select “Registered Report” as an item type when submitting.

As well, Collabra: Psychology readers can expect to see the first collection of articles using Registered Reports develop soon (more on that below).

We have lift-off! (Source:

Our Registered Reports specialist Editor is none other than Chris Chambers, Cardiff University, UK, who has pioneered this article type at various other journals, including Cortex and Royal Society Open Science. We also created a Collabra: Psychology Registered Reports page on the Open Science Framework as a hub for the various documents.

For those not already familiar with this article type, Registered Reports are a form of empirical article in which the methods and proposed analyses are pre-registered and carefully peer-reviewed prior to research being conducted, and these “Stage 1” submissions (i.e. submissions without data collected yet) have the opportunity to ultimately get in-principle acceptance (or, of course, rejection) after review. Following an in-principle acceptance, the study is completed, authors finish the article (“Stage 2”) and — pending quality checks and a sensible interpretation of the findings — the manuscript will be published regardless of the results.

For anyone familiar with Registered Reports already, our guidelines are not much different to those at journals already offering them. And, at Collabra: Psychology, the levels of transparency and openness required by Registered Reports are already standard practice at our journal — for Registered Reports we need open data, open materials/code, and laboratory logs.

We thank Chris Chambers and the Senior Editors for reviewing and developing all these guidelines, and we welcome the submission of your Registered Reports at Collabra: Psychology!

(Once again, here are the Registered Reports Detailed Guidelines.)

—Dan Morgan, and the SIPS Executive Committee

P.S. A Research Nexus (a.k.a. special collection, or continuously publishing special issue) of articles called Collections², guest edited by Randy McCarthy and Christopher Chartier, is in development at Collabra: Psychology, which will make prominent use of Registered Reports. See, among many things, Randy McCarthy’s blogpost “The benefits of crowdsourced research”, Daniel Lakens blogpost “Towards a more collaborative science with StudySwap”, the SIPS pre-conference at SPSP, and, of course, this blog and the journal website for more information over the coming weeks and months about Collections².



Collabra: Psychology

Open Access journal publishing in psychology. Official journal of SIPS, published by University of California Press.