Collapse Catch-Up: July, 2023

Alan Urban
18 min readAug 1, 2023
Planet Earth On Fire

Welcome to the 21st edition of Collapse Catch-Up, a monthly newsletter that catches you up on the latest signs that we are living through the collapse of global industrial civilization. You can find the 20th edition here.

This month, I have a lot of bad news about our predicament. I’ve been following this stuff every day for over two years, and even I am shocked by how fast things are unraveling. Climate change is getting worse exponentially, but so is pollution and biodiversity loss. On top of all that, we’re rapidly running out of essential resources.

If you haven’t started preparing for the collapse of civilization, now is the time to start stockpiling supplies, learning basic skills, and making friends in your local community. If this news makes you anxious, please visit this page for a list of resources that can help.

Okay, here we go…


July of 2023 was the hottest month in recorded history, with countless records broken in places all around the world. Overall, the temperature was 1.55°C above the 1850–1900 baseline.

The extreme heat began on July 3rd, when the average global temperature reached 17°C for the first time ever. Since then, every single day has been hotter than the previous world high temperature of 16.92°C. The record global heatwave has…



Alan Urban

Preparing for the collapse of global industrial civilization.