Collision 2019 by the numbers

Collision Conf
4 min readMay 21, 2019

Welcome and bienvenue to the inaugural Collision in Toronto! Before we launch into the first full day of talks we thought we’d look at some of the figures behind our first year in Canada.

This week, 25,711 attendees from 125 countries are joining us at Collision. They’ll hear from 730 speakers across our 15 tracks, debating the most pressing issues in tech and the world today. If you haven’t already, this is a reminder to start picking your must-sees and building your schedule in our app.

125 countries at Collision

Bump into any Collision attendees on your flight here? Among our 25,711 attendees, over 100 trade delegations from over 55 countries have travelled to Canada to join us. Here are the top 15 most represented countries.

  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Nigeria
  • Portugal
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America

Women in tech

45.7% of Collision attendees are female. This has been the best result we’ve ever had — last year’s Collision in New Orleans, the percentage was 42.5%. The gender ratio even exceeded our flagship event Web Summit in 2018 where 44.5% of the conference’s attendees were female.

730 speakers

Seth Rogen talks on Centre Stage at Opening Night 2019

From Opening Night to our final talk on Thursday we’ll be welcoming a diverse range of speakers to our 15 tracks. Speakers will include Medium, Twitter and Blogger founder Ev Williams, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Peggy Johnson, Executive VP of Business Development at Microsoft, along with the stars of 50/50 — Seth Rogen, co-founder of Houseplant, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, co-founder of HITRECORD.

1,100 startups

Startups on the exhibition floor at Collision 2018

The most raucous place at Collision is the exhibition floor. This year we’ll be hosting 1,100 of the most promising startups from around the world. From bootstrapped ALPHAs to unicorn-in-the-making growth-stage companies, you’ll find a mix of industries and regions represented among our handpicked startups. We’ve written a little bit about the top ten investor requested startups at Collision, and you can check out our featured startups page here.

It’s not just across the various stages that you see the breadth of representation of industry at Collision; you can also see it with our exhibiting startups. Here are the top ten startup industries.

  1. Enterprise software solutions
  2. AI & machine learning
  3. Fintech
  4. Advertising, content & marketing
  5. Medtech & pharma
  6. Ecommerce & retail
  7. Hardware & IoT
  8. Education
  9. Social media & networking
  10. Travel & hospitality

850+ investors

Karin Klein, Bloomberg Beta, judging the PITCH final during day three of Collision 2018

With funding in Canada growing steadily we’re seeing Collision benefit from this increase too. This year we’ll see over 850 VCs and angels joining us in Toronto, among them Fred Wilson, co-founder of Union Square Ventures, Michael Seibel, CEO of Y Combinator, Renata Quintini, Venture Partner at Lux Capital, Brian Singerman, Partner at Founders Fund, and Karin Klein Founding Partner at Bloomberg Beta.

921 international media

Professor Angelica Lim, Simon Fraser University, at a press conference during day two of Collision 2018

We’re going to be joined by 921 journalists, editors, and anchors who will bring the best stories from Collision to the rest of the world. Reporters from The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, CNN, CNBC, Politico, The New Yorker, Forbes, Wired, Recode, Reuters, BNN Bloomberg, BuzzFeed and many others will be on the ground at Collision.

We’ve so much planned for the next three days. Keep an eye out for highlights with #CollisionConf across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Didn’t make it this year? Sign up for our Collision 2020 2 for 1 sale, happening next week. Find out more here.



Collision Conf

#CollisionConf: North America's fastest growing tech event. From the team behind @WebSummit