How to make your cryptocurrency investments 30 times safer

2 min readSep 15, 2017


The last few days have been very bloody within the cryptocurrency market. The ban that China executed was felt by almost every cryptocurrency. But cryptocurrencies are here to stay and eventually will come out stronger then before.

Spread your risks with CombiCoin

Now more then ever it is important to spread your risks. Nobody knows beforehand which currencies will do well and which will not. This is something we tried to solve with CombiCoin.

CombiCoin is 100% asset backed by the top 30 cryptocurrencies with the highest market cap. Because of this the CombiCoin will not suddenly plunge and investors will have less risks when there are major fluctuations.

With the CombiCoin, you not only reduce the risk by diversifying your investment, but the CombiCoin also evens out all spikes of each individual coin, up and down. Even if one of the currencies backing the CombiCoin drops to 0 USD, it will only affect the total market price of a CombiCoin by 3.33%.

Example where one of the currencies backing CombiCoin drops to 0, it only affects the price of CombiCoin with 3.33%, meaning that if CombiCoin was 10 USD, it will drop to 9.67 USD.

Now is the ideal moment to invest in CombiCoin!

With the market as it is now it is the ideal moment to invest in CombiCoin. Each CombiCoin will have more assets then it would have 2 weeks ago. Meaning that when the market starts growing again CombiCoin owners will benefit!

If you invest in one or two (or ten) currencies available in the market, you are hoping that those currencies suddenly surge in price. The CombiCoin will always benefit from the growth of any of the top 30 currencies. When a currency suddenly surges in price this component of the CombiCoin will increase in price, thus increasing the price of CombiCoin as a whole.

If CombiCoin would have existed in the first half of 2017 its value would have grown with more then 1500%.

Growth CombiCoin vs growth top 30 from January 1, 2017, until June 18, 2017

CombiCoin ICO still open

The CombiCoin ICO is open until the 30th of September. You can join here:




Fast & easy: BUY CRYPTOCURRENCIES IN BUNDLES! -Spread your risks -Benefit from the growth of the market