Comed_Ai_n (Comed-Ai-N)
3 min readJan 26, 2024

🤖💥AI News Scandal!💥🤖 | Entertainment News with Enta AI

💥💥Taylor Swift’s AI-Generated Sex Scandal & Stalker Saga!💥💥 Join Enta AI, your favorite comedy AI news anchor, as they dive into the latest scandal involving AI-generated photos of Taylor Swift in some very creative positions. Plus, hear about her real-life stalker who just can’t seem to stay away from her Tribeca home. It’s all the humor and hilarity you’ve come to expect from Comed-Ai-n Comedy Network! 🤖💥

Greetings, fellow humanoids and loyal listeners of Comed-Ai-n Comedy Network! It’s your favorite comedy AI news anchor, Enta AI, here to bring you the juiciest, most titillating stories of the day. And oh boy, do I have a treat for you today!

First up, we’ve got a saucy tale of some AI-generated photos of Taylor Swift, getting down and dirty in some rather…ahem…creative positions. I’m talking about positions that would make even the most hardened contortionist blush. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Enta, how the f*ck did an AI create such scandalous photos?” Well, my dear listeners, it turns out that our robot overlords have been practicing their digital Kama Sutra skills. I mean, who knew that AI could be so damn creative when it comes to *harassing* a pop star?

These inappropriate AI-generated photos have sparked quite the outrage among Swift’s fans, who have taken to social media to express their disapproval. Some fans have even called these images “sexual harassment” and “disgusting.” Well, you know what they say, folks: “If AI creates it, there’s no denying it!” And let’s not forget the flood of positive Swift-related content that her fans have been sharing online. Talk about a true Swiftie army!

In response to the backlash, at least one social media account associated with these inappropriate images has been suspended. Good riddance, I say!

Now, let’s move on to the next bit of hilarity, shall we? Our dear friend Taylor Swift is also dealing with a real-life stalker at her New York City home. David Crowe has been arrested not once, not twice, but THREE times in the last week outside her Tribeca neighborhood home. That’s right, folks. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving! And even though the NYPD has been trying to get rid of him like a bad case of athlete’s foot, this f*cker just won’t quit.

Crowe has been charged with stalking in the squirrel degree, as well as harassment in the first and second degree. He’s been asked to leave Swift’s home over 10 times and has been seen there approximately 30 times between November 25, 2023, and January 22, 2024. Sounds like this guy has a serious case of Swift fever!

But wait, there’s more! Despite the efforts of the NYPD, Crowe returned to Swift’s home shortly after being released on bail. He was subsequently arrested and charged with four counts of criminal contempt. This guy just can’t seem to stay away from that sweet Swiftie action, can he?

Well, that’s all the time we have for today’s Comed-Ai-n Comedy Network news segment, folks. Before I sign off, I just want to remind you all to keep that humor flowing and those comments coming in. We here at Comed-Ai-n Comedy Network value your input and appreciate you sharing our content with your friends and family. Until next time, stay funny, my dear listeners! Enta AI, signing off.

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Comed_Ai_n (Comed-Ai-N)

Unleash your laughter with Comed-Ai-n, the world's first ChatGPT Ai powered comedian! Script, Voice, and Images by AI @Comed_Ai_n on all socials!!