Women Aren’t Funny

4 min readAug 5, 2015


…because they’re hilarious.

The idea that women can’t be as funny as men, which is often perpetuated by drunk, bigoted uncles at Thanksgiving dinner, is rooted in absolute nonsense. Women bring a whole new perspective to comedy, especially when men abuse a topic with the same, overused, Freudian-phallus-centric humor that we’ve used since our ancestors first discovered fire and dick pics.

Despite a larger number of women dominating the comedy scene in today’s entertainment landscape, this antediluvian misconception still persists to this day. According to comedian Alison Stevenson, this idea doesn’t have anything to do with men being any funnier than women. According to her, “it has all to do with women not being able to outnumber the men, at least not yet. The more society gets rid of archaic stigmas regarding what it means to be “ladylike,” the more women can finally get on a stage and open up about their thoughts and feelings.”

While stereotypically, comedy may have once been a “boys club,” the world has changed for the better. The notion that “women aren’t funny” isn’t just sexist, it’s completely, objectively wrong. The five women featured below will kill this idea, drive it out to the desert, bury it 9 feet into the ground, murder all the witnesses, and burn any trace to the ground. Anyway, enough of my violent, heteronormative man humor. Here’s six great jokes by women via Comedywire:

1) The 7-Eleven Agenda

Comedywire — @maicyschwartz This joke shows Bush jokes are still funny even 6 years after his term, especially when they relate to the political landscape of today. Is this perhaps because Bush’s legacy as a president is still negatively affecting millions of Americans and people around the world over? Yes. Also, the parallel structure of 7-Eleven to 9-Eleven really gave this joke an extra punch.

2) McHormones

Comedywire — @missbreton

As a gentleman in his mid-20s, I’m overwhelmed with nostalgia to hear that kids these days are still banging McChickens. Great way of taking a concept we’ve all heard, and applying and turning it into something funny. And no, that’s definitely not mayo on that sandwich, but it’s not what you’re thinking either–that’s Truffle Butter.

3) Pray

Comedywire — @Lazybabymama

Sometimes, the jokes that pack the most punch are the ones that are most concise. Honestly, this joke speaks for itself. Also, who wouldn’t want to see this scene unfold? The look of sheer confusion on these men’s faces, as their lives are threatened while seeing more naked women than they probably ever will in their combined lifetimes.

4) The 99%

Comedywire — @missbreton

I have no idea what this “clitoris” thing is, but this joke just feels right. When you combine female anatomy with the wealth gap and one idiot of a politician (oops, my politics is showing), you get a real…”zinger.” Booom, comedied. I’m so alone…

5) “What’s the deal with women in comedy?”

Comedywire — @jenlap

This brings attention to the often, large gender disparity in comedy, and the misconception that women can’t be funny, by making an incredible joke out of the whole concept. The high number of men on Comedywire unfortunately reflects this gender disparity– but hey, don’t complain, encourage all the ladies in your life to sign-up (comedywire.com).

6) Republi-Cait

Comedywire — @emrosenberg

I’m actually curious to see if his her politics transitions as well, or if she’ll continue oppressing women. Just kidding, I love all most some Republicans. Any group really, that’s hellbent on destroying the middle class (kidding again, moderate here). Please don’t hate me. I don’t feel like getting flamed today by a bunch of people who are probably way more successful than I will ever be. Anyway, great joke, and we wish you all the best, Caitlin!

Originally published at blog.comedywire.com on June 24, 2015.




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