What are the popular uses of sprinkler system?

Commercial Irrigation and Turf
3 min readSep 8, 2017

Sprinklers are invented to save water usage, getting maximum by using minimum amount of water is the basic idea. There are multiple fields or areas where water requires in large quantities apart from domestic use. Some of them can be mentioned as follows

  • Commercial Irrigation
  • Residential Irrigation
  • Irrigation maintenance
  • Golf irrigation
  • Geothermal and underground

Though each and every field is quite different, requirement of water is an essential part of regular maintenance. Let us learn more about these fields for better understanding of sprinklers and its uses in these areas.

Commercial irrigation: As the name indicates it is commercial irrigation. In irrigation each and every penny is countable. Whatever input used is considered as investment on irrigation. Some crops demand regular watering and for some crops wet soil is enough for the growth. Varied water levels indicate that one cannot implement traditional system of watering crops. Sophisticated system provides better answer and Sprinkler systems Peoria IL manages just the same meeting all your purposes efficiently.

What you can expect: Get careful planning and budgeting, better programming, efficient CAD drafting and customized charts powerful enough to meet entire irrigation you are planning to take over for the upcoming season.

Residential irrigation: It is quite simple and easy compared with commercial irrigation. Since the scope is very small and limited one can choose accordingly. At sprinkler system Peoria IL our executives understand each and every house is built differently and designing must go as per the architecture of individual house. House owners feel happy when they get long run service, warranty and diligent installation. For installation experienced staff members are necessary which will be fulfilled by the company irrespective of the budget and area need to be covered.

Irrigation maintenance: This is altogether different from main irrigation. The speed and flow of water need to be regulated and the interval between sprinklings has to be determined properly and wisely. Planning and installation should be done based on the area and purpose of watering. Questions like what kind of surface need to be sprinkled, how much wetness should be there? What is the duration of operation? How much water is essential to complete the task and so on… Engineers and executives are specifically hired to meet each and every type sprinkler system.

Sprinklers provide watering to the necessary area just like that of rain fall. Water is dispersed through pipes and outlets are fitted at predesigned intervals. In general, water is fed through pipes and they are connected to pump. The flow of water is controlled and they are made to fall on the ground in the form of droplets. So that less water is consumed and large area can be covered. Everything is designed and planned to suit the purpose of watering or sprinkling.

Research has shown that sprinklers provide best results when it is compared with traditional water system. Farmers get better yield and they can grow multiple crops by controlling watering methods.

About the Author:

The writer is an expert in the field of grading and lawn maintenance with focus on Sprinkler Systems Springfield IL Sprinkler Systems Galesburg IL Sprinkler Systems Installed Bloomington IL much more.

