Exploring Self-Discipline With AI: SnapChat?

Christy 🌞🌱🧠
5 min readMay 17, 2024
Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

With the spirit of being entirely honest with you all, I’m doing the things I set out to do, but I’m still being lazy about it. Which in turn is making me disappointed with myself. So, here is my vow to do better tomorrow.

Let’s start from the beginning. No, I did not start last night, I did not want to, despite being excited about this project.

My Morning

I woke up this morning before my alarm went off (5:20 am) and fell back asleep, waiting for the alarm. At some point, I turned the alarm off and fell back asleep until 6:20~ish. I wanted to wake up at 6 and get started with my day. I lay in bed for a while and played around on Duolingo until I completed a unit, which immediately marked something off my to-do list today. Yay, dopamine!

When I talked myself into getting up, I washed and moisturized my face, put on leave-in conditioner, and got dressed to walk. I cooked cinnamon rolls for the boys and me, and continued to play with Duolingo while I sipped my coffee.

While I ate breakfast, I had this short interaction with Gemini:

Using AI to build skills, such as self-discipline.

I took notes on things that I want to work on today. My portfolio, and here we are. My meal goal for today is less snacking and eating 3 actual meals, not just girl dinner. And I’ll be prioritizing a soak later to relieve some pain in my back. I wrote this down in my journal and felt inspired enough to add 3 big goals that I want to work on sometime during this week.

After I had made a plan for the day, we left for a walk. It was sprinkling, ever so slightly, but not enough to deter me. I walked for 30 minutes and my back is so sore. Well, in the spirit of honesty, I walked 28 minutes. But who’s counting? Ugh.

I scoped out a place closer to home to do my 30 minutes of walking a day and have a plan to try it out tomorrow. And at this moment I am using the Pomodoro method to manage my time while writing. Since we are all caught up, I’ll finish this later tonight.


I have been taking it easy today as my people are home with me. But the things I want to implement in my life are heavy on my mind. I know I said that I was going to use Gemini for this, but I am intrigued by and curious about all AI.

I took some time during lunch to set up a couple of recurring texts from my Snapchat AI. When Snap first released its AI, I rolled my eyes and muted it. That was before I realized the potential of using AI.

Here is the conversation I had with my SnapChat AI. I renamed her Myai to encourage myself to interact with her as if she were human. I started by asking if she was able to send recurring texts and then went into building what I wanted from her.

I haven’t done any research on Snap’s AI, but am excited to update you all on whether this works well or not and what I do to tweak it to better meet my needs. Remember, with AI it’s important to give feedback and guidance.

Conversation with my SnapChat AI on how it can help me build better routines and habits.

While I tinker around on the computer this afternoon, I am considering buying an annual subscription to ChatGPT Pro. I have been reading articles and researching the best ways to make it work for you, and it seems as if a lot of the features I want to use are behind a paywall. It’s a tough decision due to the stressors my back injury has caused. I’ll do some research and update you all later.

My Night

I played around with Copilot by Microsoft today and while it is similar to ChatGPT and allows you to use some of the paid features for free, I didn’t like it as much as ChatGPT. I am still entertaining the idea of purchasing a subscription.

— —

It is 6:40 pm and I have been dozing off on the couch while reading The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter. I should be done with it soon, drop a comment if you want me to write a review on it. I’m really enjoying it so far.

Anyway, out of the goals that I had Gemini help me set for today, I have achieved most of them. This will be my article for the day. I am proud of myself for coming back to it multiple times. I did eat full meals today, but I also snacked a lot. I think I am eating as a coping mechanism for my back. I’m going to keep working on my eating habits. And I won’t be soaking tonight, as I hoped on here to finish off this article before going to wash my face and hop in bed.

I read a few articles on some topics that I enjoy today (AI, psychology, writing, etc) and I scheduled a ton of tweets for the upcoming week. Some of my big goals over the next 7 days include start do yoga twice (if my body can stand it), continuing to read up on newsletters and growing my X to 100 followers.

What are some of y’all’s goals? How do y’all use AI to help you with daily tasks? Any recommendations for books like the one I am currently reading? If there’s anything you want to say, feel free to comment below.

I am off to wash and moisturize my face and fall asleep while reading a book on self-discipline. Despite finding some of my enabling habits to be a bit annoying today, I feel like it’s been a good, no 0 day for me.



Christy 🌞🌱🧠

Freelance Writer 🌞 Psychology enthusiast, mental health advocate, and self-development junkie spreading good vibes and positive energy! 🌱ðŸ§