Carter’s Compost

Compost Collective
1 min readDec 14, 2014


The value of kitchen scraps might be more than you think.

I kept thinking, “Who’s the adult behind this?” and as I listened to charming Carter “almost nine years” Schmidt describe his business.

He describes how his team of Bike Powered, Neighbourhood Kitchen Scrap Picker-Uppers are reducing waste to landfill, and it seems he can’t grow fast enough to meet the customer demand.

Listen to his low overhead business plan and then do the simple math.

Have a look around the website, it’s quite an inspiration!

Imagine your community with young people making pocket-money like this, while being such a beneficial presence in the world.

Carter on the last bucket slinging session of 2014
The mission: Build community through making composting super easy for Traverse City neighbours.



Compost Collective

Supporting people to compost and thus reduce organic waste to landfill by helping make the healthy choice the easy choice.