The Bokashi Blog: It all Starts Here.

Compost Collective
2 min readJun 14, 2015


Last week, at after-work drinks with my buddies from the Compost Collective, a discussion unfolded:

“Full disclosure: I don't compost.”

“WHAT? Why not?”

“I don’t know. I just haven't got around to it yet.”

“Well, what’s stopping you?”

“I need to know more about it and I don’t know where to start. I’m procrastinating.”

“Ok, ok, what kind of composting system are you interested in?”

“I don’t know. They all seem doable. Aren’t they? Which one would you recommend for me and the family?”

“Do you have a garden?”

“Nope. No time for that.”

“So your backyard is all concrete?”

“Pfft. Nope. I have a skate halfpipe, a BMX track, a trampoline, a treehouse and plenty of grass for backyard cricket. No time for gardening! Ha! …But I’m still interested in composting from an ethical standpoint. I really should be doing my bit to reduce the waste we send to landfill.”

“Cool. What do you think your family would get behind?”

“Well, a worm farm would be a great pet for the boys, but we eat meat and citrus fruits, so worms are too fussy… I think I like the idea of Bokashi, the process fascinates me.”

“That’s it! I will teach you all about the Bokashi system, it’s amazing, you’ll love it!’

So it’s sorted then. Sarah Jane (Project Manager from the Compost Collective) will be guiding me (a complete composting novice) through the Bokashi composting system step by step.

And because I’m such a novice, I thought I’d get you to hold my hand through it.

Keep reading this blog for updates as they happen. I’m sure I’ll need your composting advice and input too.

I receive my first Bokashi bin this Wednesday, wish me luck.


Down the Rabbit Hole I go..

You can learn about the Bokashi composting process for yourself here:



Compost Collective

Supporting people to compost and thus reduce organic waste to landfill by helping make the healthy choice the easy choice.