Сonpay terminals entered the South American market


The first conpay terminal in South America was installed on September 6. The terminal began working in the hotel Loreto in Chile’s capital Santiago. After the debut installation, the conpay team received several more requests for the installation of the terminal in this country, in particular, from one of the importers of cars and the hotel in Chile.

“The Latin American market is very important for conpay, at the moment the interest in crypto currency is growing on this continent, and the solutions that conpay offers will help actively involve the population’s cryptocurrency in the economic turnover,” says conpay CEO Inna Samovich.

Hotel Loreto in Santiago

Chile is the most active country in the introduction of crypto currency in South America. In 2015, the Chilean government established the first cryptoexchange — SurBTC, where citizens could exchange bitcoins for pesos.

The population of Chile is 17.9 million people. At the same time, the number of users of cryptocurrency in June was 10 thousand people. The monthly volume of transactions with the cryptocurrency in mid-2017 exceeded $ 5 million. Such a rapid growth is a consequence of global trends in the growth of interest for the cryptocurrency, as well as local features (low level of public confidence to the banking system).

In the near future, the conpay team also intends to install a multi-currency terminal in North America — in the US or Mexico.

The essence of the conpay project is the creation of a network of terminals with zero transactional payments, which make it possible to effectively and simply use cryptocurrencies as a mean of payment worldwide.

The conpay terminal is a program that is installed on a computer or mobile device and does not require any special operating conditions. It is easy to install, has intuitively understandable interface and the ability to implement in existing business processes.

Follow the development of the project in our accounts in social networks — Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, GitHub, in the project thread on the Bitcointalk.org forum, in the Telegram communities (eng, rus).



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