The Potential of Web3

4 min readFeb 28, 2022


Web3 is the Concorde’s home-base ( hence the @ConcordeBase ) and also its eventual destination. We are in a good spot forming its foundation but what can we expect to see for Web3 in the future? Have a read of this week’s Airstation Postcard to find out more! 👨‍✈️👇

There is a collective understanding among those who know, from even just a glimpse, that the potential Web3 can offer here, now, and in the future is something unparalleled in history. As early adopters in this space, we may have this ideal image of what the future should look like. However, as responsible investors we should want to see how that ideal future could play out so that we can plan accordingly, and as the “buidlers and innovators” of what Web3 could be, WE have the power to shape its potential.

We all play different roles, so our forward projections and perspectives may differ from person to person, but Concorde has specific thoughts on the subject…

Simply put: We believe Web3 is the future. But what does the future look like?

Let’s talk about what’s in store for you, dearest passenger, on Concorde’s Flight W4–6M1 bound to Web3’s potential future.


Opportunity! This may seem like a weird place to start but this subject elicits different thoughts and reactions from many. There are literally endless opportunities that anyone could pursue and yet it can also feel like the scarcest resource for some. This is in part due to the fact that in the old way (web2) of doing things opportunities were limited to a select few; the verified, the higher ups, the people on the inside, the big guys with the connections etc…

So what makes things different now?

The Captain and founder of the Concorde, @Crypt0Jacked firmly made the bet of his life and went all in on Web3 and for what?

“The opportunities in this space are too significant to ignore.”

For sure there are:

  • opportunities to get rich (pump my bags ser)
  • opportunities to front run 99% the world with amazingly enabling technology (blockchain and its implications)
  • opportunities to gain a position of social influence in an up and coming space

(The prior list doesn’t seem significant enough!)

Yet, Captain @Crypt0jack feels differently:

“There are opportunities for individuals to make a difference and distribute value fairly at previously unimaginable scales.”

Not since the foundation blocks of the internet were imagined by Tim Berners Lee and pals, have normal people like you and I had the “opportunity” to change the lives of our fellow humans to the extent we do today. In Web3 there are more opportunities, fewer constraints and more people who want to create and build better behind the wheel.


It would be unfair of us to not point out the flip side of innovation. “Opportunity” can go both ways, for both good things and bad things to happen.

…We don’t mean to FUD this early into the postcard but rather give a realistic perspective because no platform will be perfect, and utopia still doesn’t exist no matter how bullish we get…

Everything that has been transpiring in the past few years of Web3’s birth has been great so far and we are headed in the right direction! There are current talks of governments trying to finally understand how this new dynamic works. We have more and more people being curious and getting in on the space everyday along with mainstream companies and media hopping in on the same boat as us.

“Yay…”? or “Nay..”?

We have the mechanisms to achieve a fully decentralized internet for the people, and by the people. But again, the cost of freedom to have people be empowered to do whatever they want with little to no restrictions is a double-edged sword.

What if we entrust this power to the wrong hands? Giving VCs, Corporations, Governments and bad characters the same leverage to mess things all over again? What if we condone the level of unregulated misbehavior and as a community take no solid actions to demand and maintain a level of integrity? What if all the promises of a fairer and “community first” ecosystem all go to naught and we just end up being more plutocratic?

Then, oh dearest passenger, it is prime time to put this freedom to good use.


Now that we’ve been presented with a possible future to start afresh from the antiquated dynamics that we’ve grown accustomed to, there is now a certain power entrusted to us. The Web3 narrative has always been decentralization and it has always sought out to give the power back to the people.

Web1 → Reading

Web2 → Writing

Web3 → Owning

We are given complete ownership of whatever we have right now: digital assets, communities, protocols, systems, DAOs, all of it! And at the end of the day, ownership means responsibility…

In the words and wisdom of our favorite Uncle Ben…

Given not only access, but also ownership of all of these tools to forage forward in the Web3 space, we, Passengers, have a lot of buidling to do! We must maximize the use of these tools and this power entrusted to us, to its fullest extent.

Participate in DAOS.

Create Art that inspires people.

Engage and Buidl Communities

Learn more about the blockchain

Develop dope dApps

Vote with your tokens (whatever chain it may be).

…be a part of the Vision!

Remember the age old concept of “voting with your dollar” and “supporting businesses that make the world a better place”? Well now is the time to support the buidlers of the space!

Get involved with the projects that aren’t nasty cash grabs, but the long-term innovators and visionaries that keep moving forward until the potential of Web3 is finally realized.

Concorde is here to help you do just that. ✈

— Concorde Airstation Postcard #2 End —




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