The Evolution of Talent Brand

In an increasingly connected and social media driven world, talent — current, former & prospective employees — create a collective picture defining a company’s talent brand.

2 min readSep 10, 2015

Talent — past, present and future — define talent brands. While companies clearly can’t write every aspect of the story, they can play a vital role in managing that talent brand. When managed well, companies can reap many benefits, including hiring and retaining the best talent and turning prospects, employees and alumni into longstanding customers. Managed poorly or not at all these narratives often tend to write themselves, and the results can lead to PR nightmares.

Just ask Amazon. The world largest online retailer has been in the news a lot lately after a New York Times article that outlined its unique, and many would agree difficult, corporate culture, and the effect it has on the lives of its employees. Soon the Internet was flooded with tales from ex-employees who had horror stories of their own to share, forcing Amazon to spend weeks defending itself in the media.

Amazon’s current moment in the spotlight is decidedly not a welcome one for the retail giant. However, it can serve as a cautionary tale about the power of alumni and their ability to influence a brand long after they have left your employment.

Alumni can be, and often are, very vocal. They are perceived as less biased than current employees, who may be fearful of reprisals if they talk about internal company issues. Added to that, social media has given them a one-to-many platform with which to air their grievances. In this context, it’s easy to see why many companies have developed formal programs to manage alumni relationships.

Of course even with a formal, well managed alumni program the most disgruntled of ex-employees can always make waves. But on the whole, companies who cultivate long term relationships with former employees extend the loyalty factor that many feel towards an organization and generate goodwill among those on the fence. That boost to an organizations talent brand, along with many other benefits such as recruiting cost savings, business development, and network intelligence, can make formal alumni programs a wise investment.




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