The Confidence Hunter
1 min readMar 11, 2018

40 days of FeelGoodFixes!

We are going on a confidence hunt- we are going to catch a big one!

Let’s dive in to the world of confidence and well being. Explore with me the full (ish) spectrum of confidence/well being enhancing activities. I’ll be show casing something new each day, big things and little ones. Food and drinks that make me happy, places and activities I love to do and new one I want to try. There is room in every day for something for you.

I have lots of ideas but do you have any great suggestions? Is there something that you just love to do that makes you feel great? Any classes or services that you really recommend in or around Kingston? I’ll try to give each suggestion a whirl!

Each day will use the #feelgoodfix. You can join in the fun on Facebook @theconfidencehunter, on Instagram @theconfidencehunter and Twitter The Confidence Hunter

I’d love to here about what makes you feel great so don’t forget to share!

Day 1 Starts today – lots to make me happy on UK Mother’s Day x

The Confidence Hunter

On the hunt for what makes you feel really good about yourself in South West London and beyond. Let’s get AWESOME people! #feelgoodfix