Post Mortem — ETH and crvUSD Omnipool Exploits

Conic Finance
4 min readJul 22, 2023


The past 48 hours have been extremely difficult for the Conic community and the core team. Nonetheless, it has been nothing but incredible to see the support that we have received during this time and how the Conic community has stood together.

As we have identified the root causes of the exploits, our focus is now on the attackers. Investigations into the attackers’ addresses have already begun. We will, through any means necessary, attempt to make contact and negotiate with them. We feel devastated by this situation and will do everything in our power to recover the stolen funds.

As an extreme safety measure, all deposits have been disabled for the existing Omnipools. Withdrawals are safe and existing LPs continue to earn yield normally. However, we want to address all security issues carefully before allowing new capital inflows. Funds currently held by Omnipools are not at risk from any of the aforementioned vulnerabilities and continue to generate yield normally.

We provide a detailed description of both exploits below.

ETH Omnipool exploit

Yesterday at 10:51am UTC, the Conic core team was contacted by Hexagate, a web3 threat intelligence company, informing team members of early detection alerts for an exploit of the ETH Omnipool.

The exploit transaction, which stole $3.2m worth of WETH from the Conic ETH Omnipool, can be found here:

The malicious contract used for the exploit: 0x743599BA5CfA3cE8c59691aF5ef279AaaFA2E4EB

The address of the account executing the exploit: 0x8D67db0b205E32A5Dd96145F022Fa18Aae7DC8Aa

The core team immediately started to investigate the exploit and learned that it was a read-only reentrancy vulnerability that was exploited. However, it first remained unclear how a reentrant function call could be made via the Conic ETH pool, as there are reentrancy guards in place.

What followed was a careful review together with the Curve team of the most critical Conic functions that were called by the transaction. Ultimately, it was found that the root cause of the exploit was a wrong assumption about what address is being returned by the Curve Meta Registry for ETH as the underlying of a Curve v2 pool.

Specifically, the Conic ETH Omnipool uses the `CurveHandlerV3` to check whether we are currently in a reentrant call. This check was only executed if the pool being interacted with contains ETH, which was checked by calling the `_isETH` method. Our assumption was that Curve v2 pools using ETH have the ETH address (0xeee…eee) as one of their coins. However, they instead have the WETH address. This led to `_isETH` returning false, and in turn, to the reentrancy guard of the rETH pool being bypassed.

Bypassing this reentrancy check allowed the attacker to manipulate the price of the rETH Curve LP token. Which they then used to trick the ETH Omnipool into minting them more cncETH LP tokens than it should for their deposits. They were able to run this attack in a loop, depositing and withdrawing at a positive exchange rate to drain funds from the Omnipool.

crvUSD Omnipool exploit

At 19:08 UTC, we were made aware of suspicious transactions targeting the crvUSD Omnipool. After identifying a transaction that managed to drain over 11 ETH in profit from the pool, we instantly started to respond. Given the earlier exploit of the ETH pool, we did not want to take any chances and instantly shutdown all Omnipools, starting with the crvUSD pool at 19:23 UTC, meaning that deposits would be disabled and the existing looping attack would stop.

After carefully examining the exploit, we were able to identify the attack as a variant of a sandwich attack targeting our pools. The attack followed the following steps:

  1. Exchange crvUSD to USDC in the Curve pool
  2. Deposit crvUSD into Conic
  3. Exchange USDC to crvUSD in the Curve pool
  4. Withdraw from Conic
  5. Repeat steps above

The attacker would benefit from the exchanges in the Curve pool by exchanging at a favorable rate. While we did have some mechanism in place to ensure we did not interact with imbalanced Curve pools, the bounds that we had set were not tight enough and allowed the attacker to slowly drain funds from the pool.

A total of approx. $934,000 was stolen from the crvUSD Omnipool, giving the attacker a profit of approx. $300,000.

Below is a full list of transactions attacking the crvUSD pool:













Final words

The Core team would like to express their deepest gratitude for the Conic community who showed unwavering support through all of this. Furthermore, the Curve team and Hexagate deserve recognition for their massive help and support. A big thank you also goes out to the `curve_monitor_backup` Telegram bot, which was the first to report suspicious transactions linked to the crvUSD exploit. If Conic LPs have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact members of the Conic team either on Discord or Telegram.

We will share an update on the Conic roadmap in the coming days.

