SEO Proposal Template For Connecticut

Connecticut SEO
2 min readDec 14, 2016


SEO Proposal

Sample Google search engine optimization proposal

Identify quick SEO wins. Review the history of previous SEO efforts and future SEO goals. Find and target which regional areas you wish to show up in Google for and rank high for including inclusion in the Top 3 (soon to be Top 2 + 1 ad?) Local Search Snack Pack.

Work with existing keyword targets and discover less competitive long-tail keyword opportunities with SEO/Keyword tools. Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to data mine keywords and traffic.

On-Site and Off-Site SEO. Review the effectiveness of on-site content, including or adding new products pages, blog/articles, content marketing assets, landing pages, support, A/B testing, speed testing, and on-site linking.

Create competitor list to review and create SEO ideas from. Run list through aHref, MOZ, SEMRush to determine their strategies.

The technical audit will check that Googlebot can successfully crawl and index different pages. Use Screaming Frog site crawler to crawl the site and perform an on-site audit. Improve upon <TITLE> and <H1> and <H2> headers. Improve META Descriptions, Remove META Keywords. Test site speed. Make sure your site loads very fast and is mobile responsive (ensure it loads well on smartphones). Remove broken links and add internal links to improve SEO. Extremely well-versed in WordPress SEO.

Determine where competitor backlinks are coming from currently and seek similar links for my clients. Submit site to 20–50 review/business/local directories and aggregators to boost Local SEO.

Integration With Other Marketing/Advertising. Integrate SEO with display marketing, re-marketing, and Google AdWords, Facebook paid search strategies and AdWords build-out and maintenance, if desired.

Determine best ways to target regions. Local SEO is extremely important.

Work with client to create a clear SEO roadmap for the future.

Add links to social media profiles and posts.

Advise client of the latest SEO news, current state and near-future direction of SEO science including teaching and answering of all questions directed at SEO efforts. I will share my ranking philosophy and secrets with you.

This proposal goes hand in hand with my Top Ways To Rank In Google and my SEO Services page.


Originally published at on December 14, 2016.



Connecticut SEO

Eight Google Certifications. Obsessed, in love & addicted to cheap #technology — #Android, #FireTV & #WordPress. Certified in #GoogleAds, #Analytics & #SEO.