REAL Conspiracy Theories About The Las Vegas Massacre Were Orchestrated By The PR/Crisis Management Firm

Thomas Michael
3 min readNov 4, 2017


  • This story was updated on 11/17; after this article was published, the Twitter handle “Naval_Intel” was changed to “realDeepStvte.”
  • ** This story was updated again on 12/29; after our last update (11/17), the username “realDeepStvte” (formerly “Naval_Intel”) was changed again to “InstagrowBiz” and ALL tweets from “Naval_Intel” / “realDeepStvte” have been deleted.

Maybe you have been following the 1 October Shooting on social media, particularly Twitter, and have came across the handles; Naval_Intel, DeepStvte, DeepStateTerror and realDavidSins. These in fact are fake Twitter handles, with Naval_Intel being the “mother-account.” The only account that appears to not be a bot, and is ran by an actual human, is DeepStvte. After a revealing Twitter Audit, the Naval_Intel account topped out at 29% a.k.a. FAKE. The DeepStvte account touts his followers to follow his backup account “in case this one gets suspended,” and that account he lists as Naval_Intel (pictured above). It is worth noting, to show the depth of the skills we are talking about, that the handle DeepStvte has Sean Hannity following the account — that’s how good they are.

On October 23, the DeepStvte Twitter account posted a video of Police scanner audio from the night of the shooting. It was an attempt to frame the narrative that SWAT actually killed Stephen Paddock. What they did was they changed the audio transcription from “shot” to “SWAT.” You can listen to the full audio here; relevant times in question are (80:25–80:36). The accurate audio transcription reads as such: (80:25–80:36) “This room is clear, it has been cleared by (inaudible) breaches. We also have one shot officer, who did fire, negative injuries on anybody else.” The part the DeepStvte added into their Tweet, to augment additional deception, was something that doesn’t come on the scanner until nearly 15s later (80:46) and that was “We just have one suspect down at this point in time.” By adding this in their post, included with the disclaimer “UNREDACTED AUDIO,” they attempted to show that the SWAT officer fired and killed Paddock. When in fact, the only shot officer on the 32nd Floor that evening was Mr. Jesus Campos. Once I mentioned this stubborn fact to the DeepStvte, in a reply to that very post, the DeepStvte blocked me, and that is what tipped me off. The so-called ‘well-respected journalist,’ True Pundit, went on to break this “story” on October 24 that he got from DeepStvte’s disinformation campaign.

Now, here is where it gets really weird.

Sifting through every reply on the DeepStvte account, I discovered someone who made a few replies in the comment sections. Upon further research, that individual is a Managing Director of the PR firm hired after the 1 October Shooting. So, when I searched that individual’s Twitter again, to find the comments they had left on the Las Vegas Massacre for this piece, all of the posts/replies had been deleted. This happened today, 11/4/17.

Furthermore, the REAL conspiracy theories that were being propagated by the above mentioned Twitter handles were pushing stories such as the shooting was fake, there was no blood, no victims, crisis actors, the whole nine-yards; while simultaneously discrediting any viable theories made by the public. These are, without question, professionals. And, when I mean pushing their real conspiracy theories: they were getting 7.5M impressions at one point in October on Twitter. This was a direct disinformation campaign designed to lure folks who were questioning the official narrative into being told fairy-tales about what actually happened that night, and thus become discredited as “conspiracy theorists” after they rattle off some absurd story that they were told by one of those Twitter handles. There are other angles to look at that too, but for now one seems to be enough. . .

The real question becomes: why is the crisis management firm, hired by the entity in which Stephen Paddock is alleged to have carried out the worst mass shooting in modern US history, creating disinformation campaigns and then spreading it all over social media?

This story is currently developing. . .

