Lost and Found..

In Love’s Mystery, A Heart Awaits

2 min read6 days ago
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

In the quiet of a morning
beneath the whispering trees
amidst cool trees
shaded from the sun
an awaiting heart was found
hidden in the tender hush of leaves

It beat with the rhythm
of kindness
given freely
echoing the truth
that to love is to be loved in return
a melody that never fails

A simple touch, a gentle word
like sunlight warming, the cold earth
nurtures life
unseen and unfelt
until it blooms
unexpected full of grace

Gratitude flows like rivers
nourishing the roots
of our days
and in each act of love
given or received
a piece of our heart finds its place

For in this world
where every breath
is a gift from the stars above
we find that hearts
once lost or hidden
are bound by the threads of love

In love’s caress…a heart is found

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Must Read:

You Can Change The World Devotee | Poetic Pathways to Transformation

A Happy Soul | In the quiet of seeking

Smile at Death’s Door | Finding Grace in the Face of Death




Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn and grow with words