In America, such pancakes are often eaten for breakfast (and what are we worse for?): we cook American pancakes.

Warm fluffy pancakes with jam, and hot mint tea… When you know that such a set is waiting for you for breakfast, then it’s much easier to wake up!

Antonio Cooking
3 min readSep 24, 2022

In a deep bowl, pour flour together with baking powder, salt and sugar:

Mix so that all the dry ingredients are combined.

We break the egg, separate the protein from the yolk and add only the yolk to the bowl for now. Pour the milk:

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, so that there are no lumps in the dough. You can just use a whisk, you can use a mixer.

In a separate bowl, whisk the whites into a fluffy foam. Add them to the dough:

Gently mix (preferably with a spoon) and pour vegetable oil. Mix again smoothly and immediately go to fry:

Fry on both sides over low heat in a well-heated frying pan. It is convenient to put the pancakes in a frying pan with a tablespoon:

And this is the beauty we get for breakfast:


  • flour — 4 tbsp. l
    • egg — 1 piece
    • baking powder — 1 tsp
    • sugar — 1 tbsp
    • salt — a pinch
    • of milk — about 4–5 tbsp. l
    • vegetable oil — 1 tbsp. l.

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Antonio Cooking

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