ANON Masternode Setup Guide For Windows

7 min readSep 27, 2018

(One Click Mastenode Approach HousingStudio VPS)

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This guide is targeted for the ANON community members who want to setup ANON masternode but could not setup so far, due to very limited technical skill challenges. I feel this guide would serve as simplest way to setup ANON masternode.

ANON Masternode Setup Steps

  1. JDK 10 Setup on Local PC

Download JDK 10 exe on local PC using following link-

Screen 1: Download JDK 10

Right click on downloaded JDK 10 exe file, select Run as administrator. Installer will come up on screen, and click on Next button until Installer finish.

2. Download/Putty on Local PC (to access VPS in later steps)

Download putty using and install it as we install JDK 10.

Screen 2: Download Putty

3. Get a VPS (Virtual Server) (to use One Click MS setup from HostingStudio)

Get a VPS from hostingstudio, as they have one click VPS setup for ANON masternode. URL -

Screen 3: VPS From HostingStudio

Enter Hostname and password (you can choose as per your choice n like), it wil be used later also.

Screen 3a: VPS From HostingStudio

Once you place order (via Paypal as of now) and it is confirmed, you will receive welcome email from hosting studio team — which will have your VPS IP address and the password. Please dont share IP address and password with anyone.

4. ANON node setup on VPS

Open Putty on your local PC

Screen 4: Putty

Type VPS Host Name (or IP Address) and click on Open button,

Type Login as: root and password (received in welcome email from hostingstudio) and press Enter button

Screen 5: Login On VPS

Type following commands on putty—

cd / then press Enter

sh then Enter

This script will do following task-

  1. Create fresh new wallet
  2. Download and extract bootstrap file (for fast wallet sync)
  3. Configure anon.conf file with your MN private key and parameters
Screen 6: One Click Command on VPS

At the end of this script private key will be displayed, Please copy and paste in notepad for future use.

Screen 7:Bootstrap — Wallet Sync In Progress
Screen 8:One Click Command — Completed on VPS

Once you get following screen means, anon wallet is created, bootstrap sync is completed and you get private key for MN (which will be used later when you update masternode.conf on your local anon wallet)

5. Anon Desktop Wallet Setup on Local PC

Create a folder name Anon in C drive — C:/Anon

Download Anon Full Node zip (contains anond.exe and anon-cli.exe) and Unzip it.

unzip file and copy its content in C:/Anon

Screen 9: ANON Directory On Local PC

Download Anon Desktop Wallet AnonymousDesktopWallet-0.1.1.jar (Compatible with JDK 10) and copy in C:/Anon folder

Screen 10: ANON Desktop Wallet

Download Bootstrap file on local PC using following link — (approx 7.5 GB)

(If bootstrap is not available on this location, Please ask ANON admin— ANON Technical Support Telegram

Unzip bootstrap zip using WINRAR or 7ZIP and move its folders to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Anon\ . Create the Anon folder if it doesn’t exist yet.

Screen 11: Bootstrap Sync File On Local PC

Navigate to C:/Anon folder and double click on AnonymousDesktopWallet-1.0.0.jar to open desktop wallet.

If you did all step as written above desktop wallet should open and start syncing with KEYS (approx.900 MB) and within 1 hour your local wallet should be synced 100% (given that you downloaded n placed bootstrap files)

Screen 12: ANON Desktop Wallet (Local)

Send 500 Anon to Anon Desktop Wallet On Local PC

Click on My Address tab on ANON Desktop Wallet GUI

Screen 13: My Address on ANON Desktop Wallet

Copy Address given (one of your ANON address from local wallet)

Transfer little more than 500 (say 500.01 for a reason) from your exchange account/another accounts to local address (copied on previous steps)

As soon as your transactions picked in blockchain it will display in your local wallet as below until transaction gets 1st confirmation.

Screen 14: 500 ANON

As soon as it gets 1 confirmation, it will display as following

Screen 15: 500 ANON

Now you are ready to send 500 Anon to a MN collateral address (will generate in next step, belongs to you only) from your local wallet.

Open Command Prompt on your local PC and run following commands —

cd c:/anon and press Enter

anon-cli masternode genkey and press Enter (Remember to copy generated private key on notepad and save it. This info will be used in future also)

anon-cli getaccountaddress 0 (Remember to copy generated address on notepad and save it. This info will be used in future also)

Screen 16: MN Collateral Account and its Private Key

Click on Send Anon tab on ANON Desktop wallet GUI

Send ANON address — will display your available local address which have non zero ANON balance

Destination address — past generated address in previous step

Amount to Send — 500

Click on Send button

Click on Copy transaction ID button and paste it on notepad for future use

Screen 17: Send 500 ANON on MN Collateral Account
Screen 18: 500 ANON on MN Collateral Account

Go back to command prompt and run following command —

anon-cli masternode outputs and press Enter — It will return output as either 1 or 0. Save it on Notepad for future use.

6. Local PC Config File update


Navigate to following location — C:\Users\shive\AppData\Roaming\Anon

open anon.conf and update as following




save anon.conf and close it


Navigate to following location — C:\Users\shive\AppData\Roaming\Anon

open masternode.conf and update as following

<MN Alias> <VPS_IP>:33130 <Generated_Private_Key_on_VPS> <Transaction_ID_of_500_Anon_Collateral_Address> <Output_ID>

Save and Close it.

7. Start MasterNode

open command prompt on local PC and enter following commands

cd c:/anon, press Enter

anond.exe, press Enter

Navigate to C;/Anon, double click on AnonDesktopWallet and open it

open another command prompt on local pc and enter following commands

cd c:/anon, press Enter

anon-cli masternode start-all, press Enter

Screen 19: Starting Masternode

9. Verify Masternode Running Status

Open Putty from your local PC

Screen 20: VPS Login

Enter VPS Host Name (or IP Address) and click on Open button,

Enter Login as: root and password (recieved in welcome email) and click Enter

Screen 21: VPS

Type following commands

cd /root, press Enter

cd /anon, press Enter

./src/anon-cli masternode status, press Enter

Screen 22: Masternode Status On VPS

Click on My Masternode tab on Anon Desktop Wallet, it should changed to ENABLED in some time.

Screen 23: Masternode Status on Local PC

If you see Screen 19, 22 and 23 as above, Your ANON masternode is all setup and running fine. Your payout will get deposited as per MN frequency.

You may also follow video guide from HostingStudio — explained super easy step by step.

If this guide helped you setting up your Masternode and you want to say thanks, feel free to tip me:

ANON: AnTrRhU4u1dYKsM1Tyq88HuCA7tHZo9yWMn
ZClassic: t1WWN5zyQpnKpzr4wYTWVpKAFh6Jugruzsv
Bitcoin: 1Pb2yU1u6Cwv3ix2vrw2dTAagvvSjDkoZr

Thank you All!!!



