Prediction Markets: Get In The Ring

Copre Dam
2 min readMar 29, 2018


The prediction markets is like seeing the future through the medium of blockchain. The blockchain technology is the medium through which this whole process is carried out. This is a brilliant way of dealing with the future and earning extra. It requires knowledge and also luck, to win in the online prediction markets.

Choosing The Platform

There are several online prediction markets which attract many players. These platforms need to be unique and fabulous in order to attract more traffic.

Stox is one of the popular ones. This is especially for those people who want to enjoy the unique experience of predicting an event that they believe in. There are hundreds of markets which have their own uniqueness. People are attracted by the thrill which these markets provide.

There are numerous events which people can predict in a prediction markets platform. provides a vast variety of markets categories, from sports to politics. Different people have different choice of events. There are few events which has gained lot popularity in Stox platform, for example Champions League Tournament.

The Stox platform handles the creation and participation of predictive marketing events, provides tools for growing the platform using event discovery features as well as helps incentivise providers, operators and potential users using market standard tools such as affiliate, syndication programs, promotional credit mechanisms and more. The platform also enables the Oracles operations by running collateral and dispute programs.

The reputed and genuine platforms are always fair to the users and their providers. Stox always provide the best services to the users and safeguard their interest. The fair decision is taken in a decentralized way because of the immutable blockchain technology which put in the fair process for everyone.

Stox uses the power of the blockchain. The blockchain has provided a way for most people to enjoy and participate in a fairer and transparent method.

