CopPay’s ICO is about to finish — join our community!


CopPay is pioneering cryptocurrency payments for a new generation.

Our payment system is free from intermediaries, gives you ownership of your own money, and allows you to spend cryptocurrency on day-to-day expenses. Our project’s primary goal is a whole new crypto economy!

On November 30 we’ll wrap up our ICO. Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to achieve our goal, which means we can’t yet bring our payment platform to market.

Although we did our best to provide investors with comprehensive information about our business model, our token sale, and how it all ties together from an economic perspective, we didn’t quite nail our marketing, especially in terms of community development. We needed more people to support and promote our idea around the world.

The competition for investors’ attention is enormous. We now realize our mistakes and have learnt a great deal; so the experience has been extremely valuable; even though our ICO failed. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who participated and supported us.

Don’t worry; we’re not giving up. We’re now more convinced than ever that our product has a crucial role to play as customer demand for cryptocurrency payments increases.

New round

Immediately after the ICO ends, at 12:00 (GMT) on November 30, 2017, we will begin a Private Placement round. During the ICO, we began negotiations with several large funds and individual investors, which we expect to complete in the Private Placement period. During this time we’ll also have an opportunity to better prepare for a new ICO. We will announce firm plans by mid-January 2018.

Taking investor interest into account, we propose to transfer the funds collected during the ICO to the Private Placement stage. On completion, the owners of these funds will receive a 20% bonus; in addition to their purchased CopPay tokens.

However, we also understand that some COP-holders will want their funds returned. We respect this. To get a refund, simply log into your account at and tick the “Return ETH” box. All funds will be returned within two days.

Further development of the project

During the new ICO our COP tokens will have additional functionality. Merchants who store a certain amount of COP tokens in their wallet will automatically receive cash-back of between 0.5–1% on all exchange transactions that use a CopPay payment gate.

In addition, you’ll be able to spend COP tokens on additional services within the payment gate. This will be possible once we’ve developed our own blockchain. But, as the number of COP tokens in the system is limited, not all participants will be able to use this option.

COP tokens remain attractive for buyers, who won’t pay standard commission rates on exchange transactions in CopPay payment gate. Also COP tokens holders have the right to receive vouchers from the fund, which will allocate them a portion of net profit.

We will thoroughly prepare for a new round of ICO.

During the next ICO US residents will also be able to invest. We will introduce both KYC and AML — which are prerequisites for many international regulators. In addition, we’ll expand the number of cryptocurrencies that can be used to invest; including Dash and XEM.

During the Private Placement round, the CopPay team will work tirelessly on technical product improvements, and will continue to develop its blockchain technology. We will expand the network of payment gates internationally, organize regular meetups, and participate in cryptocurrency conferences.

We’ll also offer a referral program to our community, inviting those who share our ideas to work closely with us. They’ll help us establish payment gates in different companies and will receive bonuses.

We’re excited to see that businesses are cryptofying, so why not become our partner and help us build an independent payment infrastructure? We want to install CopPay payment systems in shops, bars, hotels — everywhere! We also need help organizing meetups in your region too. Consider this your call to arms!

If you haven’t already, join our community in Telegram where you’ll get updates on the project’s developments. Together we can help cryptocurrencies become a universal means of payment… and much more!



CopPay | Cryptofying your business

Multicryptocurrency payment platform for businesses, consumers & community.