Quit Multitasking to Get More Done

Lisa Clark
3 min readJan 16, 2018

Are you a multitasker? 👩‍💻✍️📱

Put down the phone and read this right now. It just might save your life (or at least significantly free up some stress).

You really DON’T get more done when you multitask. I know it may seem like it, but many studies have proven otherwise. Yet, we keep doing it (some of us).

We’re master jugglers, so we think adding one more ball to the mix won’t hurt. “It’ll be fine!” — Famous last words.

Until everything comes crashing down around you.

You’re missing deadlines.

You’re forgetting important tasks.

You run out the door without pants (okay maybe that one’s just me).

You don’t have to struggle like this. You may feel like you’re doing too much when the real problem is you’re doing TOO MUCH at ONE TIME.

I used to be a chronic multitasker. I thought being busy all the time was a sign that I was getting a lot done. What it really meant is that I had a TON of started projects, but nothing completed.

I would get distracted by one thing or the other, as my brain fought to focus on just one.

You see, the brain is not meant to multitask (despite what you may have heard before).



Lisa Clark

I help coaches and heart-centered entrepreneurs share their message and communicate their truth. http://heartcenteredcopy.com