Ankit Sinha
7 min readAug 14, 2021

How to Migrate Bloggers to WordPress

Are you starting as a newbie in the content writing industry as a blogger? You must want to test how good you are at the thing you want to do but you also don’t want to invest your money. You want to be sure about the job you want to pursue, how beneficial for you, and how good you are or you can be in the future.

you must have searched for the free blogging sites which provide you a platform to start blogging as a career without asking you for money. Among hundreds of free websites available, you must have heard about

It’s good, I will also suggest that someone who is just starting as a content writer and Blogger, should start his career from There are few advantages of such as It is owned and of course, run by Google itself, and also it is free.

But just because you are on this article because of the heading that guides you on

“How to migrate bloggers to WordPress

It allows me to guess that now you are starting to take blogging as a serious professional career for yourself and also you are ready to explore the blogging world and try to find your feet in it. On you must have experienced that it is quite difficult to run a professional blogging website on a free hosting platform. is quite hard to customize and you must also have witnessed that there are few restrictions when it comes to storage, bandwidth, and support.

First of all, let me tell you that I don’t have anything against but it’s the real planet face it that is not the place where you start your professional blog in career and if you ask me for an alternative to then there is no doubt that WordPress is one of the good options you must choose when it comes to professional blogging and providing a premium look to your website and start your career to complete with the top competitors of words because most of them are also hosting their website on the WordPress. Chromosome questions like why should we study your professional blogging career on WordPress or why should you migrate to WordPress? here’s why

  • Having a self-hosted website means that you are the boss of your website and things like domain, content, everything on the website and also the whole website, you are the sole owner of it.
  • A self-hosted website on WordPress is insanely customizable and also opens a door for you to the whole new world of content writing and blogging that you woulďhave never imagined at the beginning of your career.
  • WordPress gives you thousands of free and premium themes and plugins that will help you to get the dynamic and premium look for your website and also its hugely popular SEO plugins will also help you in social engine Optimisation.
  • When you buy hosting from such publicly well-known hosting platforms as WordPress it gives you additional leverage off unlimited storage, bandwidth, and support.

How to migrate bloggers to WordPress

Now that you have decided that you want to migrate from blockers to WordPress and don’t worry and don’t hesitate because it is good for you I understand your decision to transform yourself into a self-hosted website like WordPress because it is a smart decision to take who knows you might end up getting more benefits than you have ever imagined before starting your website.

Now you must be thinking about what is a process and how you should migrate from blogger to WordPress so that you don’t face any hurdles in between then don’t worry I will guide you how how to migrate blogger to WordPress from the scratch and I promise, I won’t let you stuck in between

What we can and should transfer once we decide to migrate to word press.

Now that we are about to migrate to WordPress you must be guessing how hard it can be to migrate to WordPress from another site. Then let me tell you that it’s not that simple, it may not be that hot but it is quite complicated. But don’t worry you are not alone in this I am here to help you and I will help you to do the whole process more quickly and perfectly

As I told you that it’s not that simple to transfer the whole site as it looks on the bloggers to WordPress. Do you think such as your theme, fonts, extensions, colors, and wizards, will be added separately. You can only transfer things like

  • Post and pages
  • Media
  • Comments
  • Feed
  • Authors
  • Permalink
  • Traffic
  • Categories

Let’s start the process to migrate to WordPress

Okay, so we are all set to begin. We know it takes time to transfer your site from bloggers to WordPress. But it’s not data hard so you will be able to follow every step. so don’t rush and let’s begin with the whole process.

  1. Get a Best WordPress Hosting

Now that you have decided to migrate to self-hosted WordPress, first of all, you need to find a company that will take care of your data so you can install WordPress on that host, and you must not take it for granted.

Numerous companies provide WordPress hosting and thousands of sites that compare them but let me tell you once you start searching on Google for best reviews and articles before you read them you must understand that most of these articles are paid reviews so please be alert so you don’t fall in their trap.

So few companies are widely popular like Bluehost, which also provides you with a Free Domain. You can visit different websites as per your budget.

  1. Time to install WordPress

After getting the hosting and once you grab the free domain for the year, Let me congratulate you because now you are officially having a self-hosted website on the most popular host for the bloggers and content writers; WordPress.

Now you will realize that it was not a bad idea to host your website on WordPress so, let’s move forward and Install WordPress.

I am guessing that you have powered your website with Bluehost, let me quickly tell you that Bluehost helps you to transfer your website with just a few clicks. Steps to follow are-

  1. Log in to your Bluehost cPanel
  2. Please go to the Website section
  3. Select Install WordPress
  4. Click the Install button
  5. Choose the domain name to install it to the site’s main page
  6. Click “advanced options” to change the email address, username, and password for the new WordPress installation, and after checking the accept box.
  7. Click the Install Now button

It is one of the simplest ways if you are trying to instantly transfer the blog without any complications.

Time to migrate your blog from The Blogger

So you are almost done with your new website now it’s time to transfer the data and blog that you had created earlier on don’t worry you don’t have to do it all manually for selecting everything one by one. There is a button you can do all these things with just one click, and you will be done with it as soon as you want.

  1. Log in to your Blogger account
  2. Go to Settings -> Other which will open the settings page
  3. On top of the page, find the “Import & back up” section
  4. Find and click the “Back up Content” button
  5. A pop-up window will appear. Click the “Save on your computer” button.

After getting done with all the steps you will receive an XML file from the blogger that will contain all the data you have with them. Time to locate the file and once you get the file you are done with exporting Blogs from bloggers to WordPress.

How to Import Data To WordPress after we migrate from bloggers to WordPress

After you have followed all the earlier steps let’s quickly jump into the steps for importing data to WordPress

  1. Log in to your WordPress website
  2. Go to Tools -> Import
  3. Find Blogger on the list
  4. Click the “Install now” link and wait for a few seconds for WordPress to finish installing the plugin

After installing WordPress you will receive a link to start importing. Click on that link and follow these steps

  1. Click the “Run Importer” link
  2. On the new page, click the “Choose File” button
  3. Chose the XML file you downloaded in the previous step
  4. Click on the “Upload file and import” button when possible

Just by following all the steps, you are now exporting your data to WordPress.

How to set the permalink

As you have imported your blogs and data on your self-hosted WordPress site, now you are getting closer to transferring your whole blogger blogs to WordPress. Permalink is something that WordPress uses while organizing your page and posts. Each Post and media file has a unique permalink.

To have things organized, you must have a well-structured permalink. Here are the steps —

  1. Go to Settings -> Permalinks
  2. Choose the “Month and Name” option
  3. Click the “Save changes” button


As you can see after going through the whole guide, migrating bloggers to WordPress is not that hard but a bit complicated and can be annoying sometimes. Takes time to complete all the steps but if you have patience then you can easily get it done. Hope you like the blog and hopefully, we will help you with the best we could.

thank you

Ankit Sinha

Ankit Sinha is a newbie in the content writing industry, trying to attain the soul of a skillful full content writer. Email