Feel like a spy

Ok Google, start Cord

Cord for Android Wear is the only way to send and receive audio messages from your watch.

Cord Project


We started Cord Project with a mission to get people talking again. As phone screens got bigger and brighter, texting and 😜-ing took over as the primary way most of us ‘talk’ on our phones. But things are changing. Wearables are coming and they’re already forcing everyone to rethink how we get in touch with each other. They have tiny screens (if any), less power, and demand quicker interactions. Voice is becoming a huge part of the UX on these smaller connected devices. We’ve had this in mind since day one while designing and developing Cord.

Scotty knew what was up way back in 1986

‘Hello Computer’ ‘Ok Google’, ‘Hey Siri’— we talk to our devices, shouldn’t it be easier to talk to each other?

Cord for Android Wear is the first time we feel like we’re really sharing our vision for voice messaging across devices. This is an early step, but we’re taking advantage of everything the Android Wear platform has to offer. It’s been designed for super simple, one tap messaging. And it is truly the only way to send a quick voice message to any of your contacts, whether they use iOS or Android, a watch or a phone.

Check out this quick demo.

Thanks @brillhart

Pretty cool right?

We’re just getting started here at Cord Project, as these new devices and platforms open up we’ll be building super simple messaging across them all (no audio for third parties on the Apple Watch yet). Very soon actually talking will simply be the best way to get in touch… again.

Talk soon,
Jeff, Thomas, & The Cord Team

P.S. — Don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday!

Cord is great, but you should probably call too.

