Tricks to Improve Memory and Be Creative at Work

Corey Slater
4 min readNov 24, 2017


People who have desk jobs tend to stare at computer screen throughout the day. Sitting in the same posture for more than 30 minutes can be harmful for your health. There are chances that over a period of time, your back may start aching, your neck may get sprained and your eyes might get affected by it.

On e of the most common problem is that most employees are made to feel guilty taking too many breaks. Sadly, the truth is that one should take frequent breaks to work efficiently all day long. A five minute mini-break can do wonders and help you to accomplish your goals successfully.

Irrespective of the professional field, you are deployed in, this trick can be applied effectively. Having lunch at a different spot from your desk can also work for you.

Ideally, if you work constantly for 50 -60 minutes, you need minimum of 15–17 minutes break to clear your mind. Working continuously without taking breaks can clutter your brain and reduce your working speed. There are different break patterns which you can opt for-depending upon your work and which you are comfortable with.

Taking mini-breaks has its own perks. They are healthy for both your mind and body. Besides, they give you a breather to think about different ways in which you can complete your assigned task and deliver quality work.

Mentioned below are some of the best impacts of mini- breaks on your mind and body:

· Boosts Creativity

Taking a mini-break gives you a chance to think something apart from your work. Some individuals prefer to meditate which completely takes you away from your surroundings to a different zone.

Meditating releases all cluttered thoughts in your mind. It gives you an opportunity to move away from constantly bothering thoughts and focus on a new thought for few minutes.

This boosts your creativity and throws light on different perspective which you cannot come across generally. Giving your mind some peace from all the chaos can rejuvenate your senses and help you to think in the right direction.

For instance, if you are entitled the responsibility to understand SRA handbook solely by yourself without any break, it can be daunting for you. But when you try giving it a thought after a mini-break, it can get easier for you to comprehend than earlier

There is also high possibility that you will understand the basics of it and come up with solutions like hiring a company that has elite list of clients and a team of experts to manage the clientele.

· Increases Attention Span

There are very less topics which can grab your attention for more than 15 minutes. Until and unless you are working on your passion or activity you like. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of individuals who get to do so.

Most individuals are assigned task which they are not willing to do.. Lack of interest is a major cause of distraction and constant inflow of information can also be a reason to lose concentration.

A small walk outside your office or lawn is a good way to increase your concentration level. Spending couple of minutes outdoors or in company of nature allows you to breathe in a fresh new air. This refreshes you and prepares you to focus for longer span.

· Better Memory And Learning

Every firm tends to have a different work culture and some companies do understand the importance of taking small naps at workplaces. On the other hand, other companies are not too keen and restrict employees from taking small naps.

As a matter of fact, small naps probably for 10–15 minutes can help you to learn better and even sharpen your memory. There are some firms which have special nap rooms for employees.

The process of closing your eyes and taking a mini-nap boosts work productivity and motivates your employees to strive and achieve their set goals. A few companies allow 60 minutes power nap to their employees as they tend to be highly creative after this break.

· Your Eyes Need a Break

If you are someone who continuously work on a laptop or personal computer, the screen light will be flashing into your eyes all day long. With such a schedule, there is a high probability that you may suffer from computer vision syndrome. This may result in blurred vision, sprain in neck, back-pain and frequent headaches.

In order to avoid getting into such a situation, you can get away from your screen every 2 hours. You can take a 20 minute break after every two hours and go for a walk or just mediate at your place. Possibly avoid using any other gadget during this break.

Lastly, your creativity and memory are two significant qualities that can help you to perform well at workplace. They can also lead you to lucrative opportunities and give a new dimension to your career.

