10 Things to Keep in Mind While Sending Corporate Gifts

Mercy Velasco
3 min readOct 27, 2023

Corporate gifting is a practice that has been a part of the business world for a long time. It’s a thoughtful way to express gratitude, strengthen relationships, and leave a lasting impression on your clients, employees, and business partners. In Saudi Arabia, a country known for its rich culture and traditions, sending the right corporate gifts is of utmost importance.

Know Your Recipient

The first and most crucial step in sending corporate gifts saudi arabia is to understand your recipient. Whether it’s a client, an employee, or a business partner, knowing their tastes, preferences, and cultural background is essential. Take into account their interests, dietary restrictions, and any cultural or religious considerations.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

When selecting corporate gifts, always opt for quality over quantity. A single high-quality gift that aligns with the recipient’s preferences is far more impactful than multiple generic items. Make an impression with a thoughtful, well-chosen gift.

Consider Cultural Sensitivities

In Saudi Arabia, cultural norms and customs play a significant role in everyday life. Be mindful of these cultural sensitivities when choosing gifts. Avoid items that may be considered inappropriate or offensive in the Saudi Arabian context.

Personalize Your Gifts

Personalization adds a thoughtful touch to your corporate gifts. Consider adding the recipient’s name or company logo to make the gift feel more special and unique. This demonstrates the effort and consideration you put into the gift.

Align with Business Values

Select gifts that align with your company’s values and the values of the recipient. If you or your recipient value sustainability, choose eco-friendly gifts. If you both appreciate craftsmanship, consider artisanal gifts.

Timing Is Key

Consider the timing of your gift. Sending corporate gifts during significant occasions, such as religious holidays, business milestones, or personal celebrations, can make the gesture more meaningful and memorable.

Practicality and Usability

Choose gifts that are practical and usable in the recipient’s daily life. Functional gifts, like stationery, tech accessories, or high-quality pens, tend to be appreciated and used regularly.

Keep the Presentation in Mind

The presentation of your corporate gift is as important as the gift itself. Elegant and culturally appropriate packaging can enhance the overall impact of your gesture. Invest in quality wrapping and include a personal note.

Keep a Record

Maintain a record of the gifts you send and the occasions for which they are given. This helps you avoid repetition and ensures that you always provide thoughtful and unique gifts.

Show Gratitude

Finally, always remember the primary purpose of corporate gifts: to express gratitude. Include a heartfelt message conveying your appreciation for the recipient’s support, collaboration, or hard work.


Sending corporate gifts in Saudi Arabia requires careful consideration of cultural norms and individual preferences. By following these ten essential tips and incorporating corporate gifts in Saudi Arabia, you’ll be well-equipped to make a lasting impression and strengthen your business relationships through thoughtful gifting. Remember, a well-chosen corporate gift is a reflection of your appreciation and respect for your recipients.

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Mercy Velasco

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