What you don’t know about SEO could be hurting your business!

4 min readJan 27, 2019

There are many companies out there that have heard of SEO without ever using it. SEO is something that you must invest in if you want to improve the traffic that your company gets online, the number of web search hits you have, and the presence of your company online. You are building a presence through all the different steps that are listed below. SEO is important to your business, but it must be done right.

1. SEO Keywords And Phrases

SEO keywords and phrases are very important to use, and they must be used in a way that will speak to what your company does. You should use industry terms that are common, and you should use trending terms that are posted on Google. All these things work together to build a profile for your keywords that make your company easier to find. A good SEO company can do all the research for you, and they will change the keywords when required.

2. Local SEO

Local SEO is necessary because it allows you to highlight the place where you work, the cities that you serve, and the landmarks that might be close to you. The idea behind local SEO is to show people that you can serve them even if they might be far away. List all the cities and towns that are close to you, the streets you drive on, and the services that you provide. These are combined keywords are useful, and they let people know that you can work with them.

3. Website SEO

Website SEO should be listed on every page of your site so that people can find the pages you want. You should put the proper keywords on pages that pertain to certain items, and you must vary these keywords when you have different pages that offer different things. Website SEO is a very simple thing to do if you are organized, and you should use common keywords on all the pages of your site so that people will find you even if they were not looking for your company specifically.

4. Does SEO Change?

SEO changes often because trending keywords, industry standards, and keywords for your company change. You should look at the keywords that you are using today, if they are outdated, and update your page any time you realize that you are not in-line with what everyone else is doing. You could have a marketer do this for you, or you might check the keywords yourself. You have every right to make changes to your keywords, but you must do so because you took the time to figure out what is really going on. SEO changes can only be made if you are using an outdated word, phrase, or style.

5. Ads

SEO is very important because it could be used on your advertising. The advertising that you create should have keywords embedded in them, and you should use tagging to make these ads turn up in different places. There are a number of people who would prefer to use tags on their whole website, and that includes their ads. Write the words intot he ads, tag the ads, and make certain that you even name the pictures in your ads with keywords.

6. Tagging

Meta tagging is necessary on all the Internet pages and ads that you create. The tags are general keywords that you use when you are writing up your website. There are many pages on your site that all need different tags, and you should include everything from your location to your services. You could tag the pages with keywords that you change when the industry changes, and you have to be sure that you have chosen tags carefully based on trends.

7. Social Media

Social media should be managed in a way that allows you to grow your presence. You might want to have social media channels with every company that is out there. You could interact with your customers on social media, and you might post ads on social media that speak to what you do. Make a Facebook page for your business, start posting on Twitter, and use keywords at every turn. These keywords make it easy for you to find more people, and you could use trending tags in your posts.

In conclusion, the SEO that you get your business must be done by a professional who understands how to help, knows how to complete this work, and will do most of the work for you. You could purchase a package with an SEO company, and you should let them do all the work for you. The best SEO companies will continue to change and update their keywords until they get the right results, tag your site, and create ads that make your company visible.




Developer/Systems Administrator. All opinions, even 💩 ones, are my own