[S1 E1] The Real Housewives Of Scottsdale ‘Welcome to Scottsdale’

Cortana Networks
17 min readJan 5, 2023
(From L to R: Jacqueline Warsaw, Danielle Timmer, Alessia Negrete, Ivanka Bordeaux, Kara Redding, & Aurelia Winslow)

The episode starts with energetic music playing in the background while cameras show the beautiful town of Scottsdale, Arizona. Cameras pick up a woman yelling two unknown names, and cameras focus in on a big home

Ivanka’s home

Ivanka: EVA! ANGELA! Let’s go, let’s go! You guys are going to be late

Eva: Mom, relax. I am behind you.

Ivanka’s Confessional

My name is Ivanka Bordeaux. I am a well-known model and trophy wife around Scottsdale.

Angela: I’m coming. I’m sorry.

Angela, Ivanka, Eva

Ivanka: Thanks for apologizing. Eva, you should be more like Angela and not give me an attitude

Eva: *rolls eyes* That’s lovely

Ivanka’s Confessional

I have two wonderful daughters, Eva and Angela. They’re following in their mother’s footsteps. Not being a trophy wife but being a model *smiles*

Ivanka: Let’s get in the car. Your agents aren’t going to be happy AT ALL!

Eva: Why are you so hostile this morning? We’re right here, and you’re screaming at us

Ivanka: I understand that you are on your period right now, but that doesn’t mean you get to act rude or disrespectful. I’m your mother.

Eva: MOM!

Ivanka’s Confessional

I married a well-known Cereal entrepreneur David Pearlstone. We were married for twenty years, and it just wasn’t the same, so we got a divorce, and I got three-quarters of everything, and that’s why I am the way I am now *giggles* Our divorce was nasty. He spewed hateful lies about me. Saying that I am a gold digger and I used him, but I wouldn’t use someone for twenty years. That’s also wasting my time.

Ivanka: Let’s go, girls *walks outside*

Eva and Angela follow Ivanka and get inside their Rolls Royce and buckle their seatbelts as Ivanka is shown locking the door. Ivanka enters the Rolls Royce and buckles her seatbelt, and starts to pull out of the driveway

Ivanka’s Confessional

I’m a happily single rich bitch raising two successful daughters. That’s all that matters

Eva: Sorry for giving you attitude this morning, mom.

Ivanka: It’s okay. I love you anyway. You’re very stressed out. You just need to learn to control your anger.

Eva: I don’t like how you told Angela I was on my period, though. That was totally inappropriate

Angela: I could tell anyway. You have been acting like a witch!

Ivanka is heard giggling as Eva rolls her eyes at Angela’s comment. Cameras show Ivanka driving before transitioning to Alessia sitting at a table for two alone, looking at a menu

Waiter: Hello. Is there anything I can get for you today?


Alessia: Yes! I’ll take a Piña Colada and a side of truffle fries and ranch *smiles*

Waiter: That will be out for you momentarily! *takes menu and walks. away*

Alessia: Thank you *crosses legs*

Alessia’s Confessional

My name is Alessia Negrete. I’m a single working mom. I’m a Philanthropist, and I’m working to become an event stylist. *smiles*

Alessia: She is late!

Alessia’s Confessional

I have lived in Scottsdale my entire life. My parents own a restaurant franchise down here called Farm Craft. I have two sons. They’re seventeen and twenty. I’m basically an empty nester. My seventeen-year-old is basically gone all the time with his friends. I invited my old friend Kara for lunch because it had been a hot minute since I last saw her.

Alessia: *Sighs*

Cameras show a Red Corvette parking in a spot. The door opens to reveal a blond bombshell strutting inside with her clutch. Cameras present a front angel of the woman walking towards Alessia


Kara: Hello!

Alessia: *looks up* Oh! Hi? You look so much different! I thought you were someone else *laughs*

Kara: Surprise!

Kara’s Confessional

I’m Kara Redding. I am an NBA wife. I am the wife of the well-known NBA player James Harden. Before I was married, I am not going to lie; I was a groupie. I had kids with Scottie Pippen, and we were engaged but never married. Then I was married to James for two years, and we got divorced. Now I’m just a single mom raising four kids.

Alessia: Take a seat! I ordered myself a Piña Colada and fries already. The waiter should be here soon

Kara: Not you not waiting for me to come.

Alessia: I’m sorry! You were late

Kara: *laughs*

Alessia’s Confessional

Girl, stop playing. You were twenty minutes late, and I was hungry. Get the fuck over it

Kara’s Confessional

Alessia isn’t the classiest woman in Scarsdale *smiles*

Alessia: It’s been YEARS. How are you? How are the kids? I don’t remember if you work or not.

The waiter is shown approaching the table and setting the food down in front of Alessia

Waiter: Hey, can I get you anything?

Kara: I’ll take a Martini and Shrimp Tacos *smiles*

Waiter: Alrighty *walks away*

Kara: I’ve been good. The kids are great. Dante is currently signed by the Lakers!

Alessia: That’s fucking awesome

Kara: I know! Jeremiah and Andrew are doing so well in school and extracurricular activities! Then Grace is my mini. We love to go shopping. I do work. I am thinking about starting my own Boutique.

Alessia: That sounds amazing.

Alessia’s Confessional

When I met Kara, she was a sideline groupie girl who went to social events and hung with the most famous people in the room. Now she is a mother, a working one at that. A lot has changed!

Kara: How have you been?

The waiter approaches with Kara’s food and sets it down as he walks away

Alessia: I’ve been good. Nick is doing good. He is never at home. He’s in his prime pre-adult ish teenage years

Kara: Those are rough. They’re never at home!

Alessia: I know. It’s like my baby is slipping away from me, and I can’t do nothing about it

Kara: I know that feeling. *Sips Martini*

Alessia: I have a friend Danielle who is hosting her birthday party, and she said I could bring a plus one. I wanted to know if you’d like to come. There is really no theme. Just be sexy!

Kara: Sexy is my middle name! I’m in! Just send me the details!

Alessia: I will. I want to toast to mature, working, independent women!

Kara: *blinks*

Kara’s Confessional

The last time I spoke with Alessia, she was dating around, letting people give her expensive things, and not working for shit. Maybe she changed *Shrugs*

Kara: Yes!! I love that *raises glass* Cheer!

Alessia: Cheers

Alessia and Kara clink their glasses and laugh as cameras shift over toward a woman stepping out of a Mercedes and entering a nightclub.

Aurelia: Today is a beautiful day to destroy something *smiles*

David (Club owner)

David: Aurelia! Thank you for stopping by. I know this was last minute, but it was Urgent


Aurelia: Well, since it was last minute, let’s get straight to it!

Aurelia’s Confessional

My name is. Aurelia Winslow. I’m an Interior designer, Cereal Entrepreneur, mother, a wife, a friend. I’m everything. I grew up in Orange County, California, moved to Beverly Hills at age eight then moved here at ten. I have a sister named Victoria, so when my parents died, I gained all of their assets, and besides the fact I’m a hard-working bitch, that’s where I got some of my things now

David: Yes! So I want to rip everything out and restart. I mean, the couches have holes in them. The floors are sticky, and everything is outdated. I want there to be hookahs for people. I want there to be a higher level for the VIP section. I want it to be a double-floored club. I need the bar to be redone completely

Aurelia: Okay, so that is a lot. I can do it, but it’s a lot. What is the type of vibe you want? Do you want Miami Nightclub or like Modern? If that makes sense

David: Miami, for sure. We want to be the hottest club here in Scottsdale

Aurelia’s Confessional

I got into Interior Design when I was fifteen. There is something about destroying things and making them ten times better than what they were before that brings me joy *smiles*

Aurelia: Well, you have the right person *smiles and giggles* I can get my team to come out at a later date to inspect everything. I am going to give you the whole shebang. I am going to get inspectors. We will also get rid of EVERY glass of alcohol and glass so that we can start fresh. Then we may need to build onto the building if you’re okay with that.

David: I am fine with anything you say. I know you have my best interest

Aurelia: I do. I will have my team come out next week, and we will do more inspections. I want to start as soon as possible, hopefully

David: The sooner, the better

Aurelia: Indeed. It looks like my work is done here. I will call you for a specific day we will be coming out. Do you have any more questions or concerns?

David: *shakes head* Nope

Aurelia: Alright, I’ll see you next week

Cameras show David and Aurelia hugging each other before Aurelia walks out as cameras transition over toward Danielle sitting at a table alone on her phone

Danielle: Waiter!

Waiter: Yes! What would you like?

Danielle: I’ll take two glasses of Champagne and your bacon Cheeseburger *smiles*

Waiter: On it!

Danielle’s Confessional

My name is Danielle Timmer. I am a mother, and I’m an entrepreneur. I have four children: three girls and one boy. My eldest daughter is thirty. Her name is Amirra, and she has her own family. They live in Chicago. My daughters Kayla and Kayla are both eighteen, and they’re in College, and my son Kai is seventeen and lives with me. I was married fifteen years ago to a well-known Sports Commentator Jared Hatcher. We were married for 29 years, and we dated for three before.


Jacqueline: Hi, Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting. I feel terrible *blows a kiss*

Danielle: *laughs* At least you’re fashionably late!

Jacqueline: *nervously smiles*

Jacqueline’s Confessional

My name is Jacqueline Warsaw. I’m a real estate Attorney — the best one at that.

Danielle: I ordered you a glass of Champagne.

Jacqueline: My favorite. So how are you? What’s up with your birthday party?

Danielle: I’m stressed out with this party. I mean, the event planners kept on canceling. I found people now, though. I finally have a theme!

Jacqueline: What’s the theme?

Danielle: It’s just sexy! Lingerie is okay. Just be sexy!

Jacqueline: Well, I can do that! *smiles*

Cameras show the Waiter setting down both glasses of Champagne and Danielle’s burger

Waiter: Would you like anything to eat, ma’am?

Jacqueline: I’m okay for now, thank you *smiles*

Waiter: Alright! Enjoy! *walks away*

Jacqueline: Whose all going? *Sips Champagne*

Danielle: Hm, well. Aurelia, Alessia, who is inviting her friend Kara, Ivanka, who’s brining her friend Keela. Then our group. Like Tenile and them

Jacqueline: Gotcha. This is going to be cute. I can’t wait. Just hopefully, nobody ruins it. You know, when women get together and they have strong personalities, they tend to bicker and bitch

Danielle: Oh, I know. If they ruin my party. I will be mad and charge them for public disturbance

Jacqueline: *laughs* Cheers to that

Danielle and Jacqueline clink their glasses as cameras pan across the beautiful town of Scottsdale and into a gated neighborhood. Kara’s voice is heard calling the children down for breakfast

Kara’s home

Kara: I made Cinnamon Rolls!


Grace: Good Morning, mom. What is the schedule for today?


Kara: I need to go grocery shopping, that’s it. Are the boys asleep?


Grace: Yeah, they are knocked out. I poured water on them, and they still hadn’t done woken up

Kara: Wow

Kara’s Confessional

My kids are like a perfect representation of how I wanted to grow up. They’re spoiled. They’re popular. They’re constantly being invited to something like I wish that were me.

Grace: I know. Can we go shopping tomorrow? I got invited to a selfie party, and I need new clothes.

Kara’s Confessional

There she goes getting invited to another event. Now, what in the world is a selfie party? I’d love to go to one of those

Kara: Wait. A selfie party? What the fuck is that?

Grace: Language.

Kara: Uh Uh. I’m an adult, specifically your mother. If I chose to say fuck. Imma say it. Now what the fuck is a selfie party?

Grace: *rolls eyes* There is a photoshoot building with different areas to take photos, and they have a different theme

Kara: That sounds fun. Can I go?

Grace: I don’t know. Are you a teenager?

Kara: Check yourself before you wreck yourself! Now second off, you do not need any more clothes. You are spoiled, and you have a closet bigger than some people’s houses.

Grace: Fine *rolls eyes* I am going to go take a shower. Thank you for breakfast. I love you

Kara: I love you too.

Cameras shift out of Kara’s home and into Jacqueline’s home, where she is seen aggressively typing on her computer

Jacqueline’s home

Jacqueline: Samaya, can you get me a glass of wine? Specifically Prosecco?

Samaya: Yes, ma’am.

Jacqueline’s Confessional

I am a Real Estate Attorney. I am always working. The benefit of that is I get to work from home. My staff always keeps Genesis and me well


Samaya: Here is your Prosecco. Jacqueline, have you been dating anyone yet?


Jacqueline: *blushes* Samaya! I can’t say that *chuckles* I am dating someone though

Samaya: Yay! *claps*

Jacqueline’s Confessional

Genesis’s father and I split up when she was a year old. The divorce was disgusting. I mean, he threatened to take everything. I’m a black woman building an empire from scratch. I deserve an award *snaps*

Jacqueline: Don’t get too excited because it may not last

Samaya: I won’t! I promise! I’m just happy for you

Jacqueline: Thank you *Places hand on my heart* I just finished working. Would you like to get a glass of wine, and we can sit on the couch and maybe talk and watch a movie?

Samaya: Of course! I’m going to get a glass!

Jacqueline: Perfect!

Cameras shift away from Jacqueline’s home and pan over to Danielle’s home. Danielle is shown putting on her clothes and walking down her grand steps.

Danielle: This looks amazing!

Danielle’s Confessional

Tonight is my party. I’m super excited, and I’m also super nervous!


Jacqueline: Knock knock! Hello! Happy birthday, bitch! You look hot!


Danielle: Ahhh, thank you, so do you! You look pretty!

Jacqueline: Is there anything I can help with?

Danielle: Nope. It’s all under control!

Jacqueline: Alright! Let’s go party!!

Energetic party music begins to play as Danielle and Jacqueline walk outside. As guests start to arrive, cameras show Danielle hugging and talking with people. Alessia is shown arriving with Kara at the party. The two are shown walking up to Danielle


Alessia: Happy birthday!

Danielle: *Turns around* Thank you! Who is this stunning lady next to you?

Alessia: This is Kara!


Kara: Hi! Nice to meet you! You look so pretty.

Danielle: Thank you! So do you. My good friend Jacqueline is sitting at a table that is for us!

Alessia: Alright! Thank you.

Alessia and Kara are shown walking over to Jacqueline’s table

Kara: Hi! I’m Kara!

Jacqueline: *looks up* Oh, Hi. Hello, I’m Jacqueline, and who is that *looks at Alessia*

Alessia’s Confessional

Uh, I’m not a thing; I’m a woman. Liquid courage must be a fucking bitch.

Alessia: I’m not a that. My name is Alessia

Alessia and Kara take a seat at the table as cameras show Aurelia walking into the party with a gift


Aurelia: Where do I set the gift? *spots the table* Oh!

Aurelia’s Confessional

I don’t know anyone about whose coming. I just hope it isn’t someone who I don’t like.

Aurelia: *Spots Kara* Is that Kara Redding? *speed walks over there* Kara!??

Kara: *turns around Aurelia* Oh my gosh! *gets up* It’s been forever. How are you?

Aurelia’s Confessional

Kara is a family friend of mine. I haven’t seen her since my parents died years ago. She showed up to the funeral with no booty or boobs, and I never saw her again.

Aurelia: I’m good! It’s been years. *looks at Justine and Alessia* I’m Aurelia. Nice to meet you both

Alessia: Wait, you knew Kara when she didn’t look like this Kim Kardashian knock-off?? Same!

Jacqueline: *cringes*

Aurelia: No. That isn’t nice too. Sat

Kara’s Confessional

This is why I never spoke to Alessia. She’s toxic. She is one way in front of you, and then in front of an audience, she is another way

Kara: That wasn’t nice or needed

Alessia: What!! I am just saying *Sips Vodka*

Kara: You didn’t have to say anything. You need to go and sip some water *grabs purse and walks away*

Aurelia: That wasn’t cool *takes a seat*

Alessia: I’m sorry!

Jacqueline: I’m going to find Danielle *stands up and walks away*

Cameras show Ivanka and her friend Keela walking into the party. The two look at each other as they strut toward the women


Ivanka: I see someone I know! Follow me!


Keela: Okay!

Ivanka grabs Keela by the arm and leads her to Aurelia’s table

Ivanka: Hello, ladies! Who’s ready to party?

Aurelia: *rolls eyes* What the fuck.

Ivanka: Are you not happy to see me? Hello, I’m Ivanka. Nice to meet you. You?

Alessia: I’m Alessia!

Ivanka: Nice to meet you! How rude of me this is my friend Keela!

Keela: Hi!

Keela’s Confessional

My name is Keela Galanis. I’m a mother, and I own one of the best Wineries.

Aurelia: Like Tequila?

Keela: *looks at Ivanka*

Ivanka: Aurelia, that’s not nice at all

Aurelia: You’re the queen of not being nice, so I don’t want to hear shit from you

Keela looks at Ivanka in shock

Ivanka: Why are you so mad?

Ivanka’s Confessional

I didn’t know that Aurelia and I ended our friendship on bad terms. We used to be good friends until she dogged me to the blogs!

Aurelia’s Confessional

To Save the unimportant details, Ivanka ratted me out to my cousins, and that’s why I no longer speak to them. She thinks I ran to the blogs when that’s not in my budget!

Aurelia: *throws a hand up* Please go away

Danielle, Jacqueline, and Kara are seen walking up to the table

Danielle: Hello, ladies. What’s going on?

Aurelia: I wouldn’t you tell me this old hag is here? Just her away from me

Ivanka: OOMF, you’re so angry. Maybe I can get you a drink or a sandwich, and you can calm down a little.

Kara: Woah! That’s not cool

Keela: Stay out of it. Let them two have their conversation

Kara: *looks at Keela* I am not saying anything to jump into the conversation. I’m simply saying it wasn’t nice

Keela: Okay.

Aurelia: Maybe I can get you another husband so you can finally feel accomplished. Get the fuck away from me

Ivanka: You’re so mad *walks around Aurelia and takes a seat*

Danielle: NO! This will not happen at my party. You both can leave. If you’re going to behave like animals

Danielle’s Confessional

Neither of them paid for this. They need to get themselves together or shut the fuck up as a whole.

Jacqueline: I want some cake.

Danielle: Let’s cut the cake and stop with the dramatic bullshit!

All of the ladies gather around the cake. The audience can be heard singing happy birthday as cameras rise from the home, and the episode concludes

Next time on The Real Housewives of Scottsdale: Kara invites Keela for lunch to discuss the issue. Alessia talks with her son about the birds and the bees. Ivanka and her daughter Eva have a tense conversation. Danielle and Kara go shopping. Jacqueline and her boyfriend Isaiah have brunch. Aurelia and Ivanka face off



Cortana Networks

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