Inhabitants of Ralov: Kalibras

3 min readMay 30, 2022


The Kalibras

The Kalibras were a race of humanoid beings that dominated the realm of Ralov. They were revered for their immense physical prowess, mental fortitude, and beauty. The average Kalibras had great aptitude in terms of strength and a grasp of the sciences of their world. These high baseline strengths that they possessed as a race would culminate in their civilization making great strides and progress in almost every field of science and magic. They are well tuned to the workings of their realm and always hold balance and order above all else.

The History of the Kalibras

Their history is a rich and eventful one. They began as most races do, split into tribes and factions, duking it out in old-fashioned feudalism to gain land and accompanying resources. After the discovery of Itar, this civilisation would put their arms and petty squabbles aside to form a collective race that put science and development at the forefront of their endeavors leading to a peace lasting 5000 years. This period of peace was referred to as “The Undying Silence,” an era of great discoveries and development for their civilization.

But this peace would come at a cost. Almost all Kalibras were bred in state sanctioned programmes that made sure every Kalibra that was born would fit into a predetermined cog in their great machine. While this would prove to be successful and fast-track the overall development of their race, it would come with its own challenges. One of them is the taking away of free will. This would prove to be a major point of contention, with natural born Kalibras being destroyed or ostracized by their society. This cost would remain hidden for many millennia until factions would rise amongst them demanding freedom of choice as a birth right and the decommissioning of state sanctioned breeding programs, leading to a bloody civil war that would decimate the realm and its inhabitants. The war ended at a stalemate and triggered a series of events that led to the detonation of a weapon called the Khev Rath.

This weapon had the power to separate the souls of the Kalibras from their physical bodies, which turned all those afflicted into spirits doomed to a state of constant purgatory with no purpose or form. These were referred to as the wanderers or “Ave Rakthum,” “the wandering spirits.” A few amongst the Kalibras would survive this ordeal due to their status as natural-born Kalibras. These few would be blessed with great powers and abilities. They would go on to be referred to as “Ferment Host Lords”. They are beings with the power to summon the wandering souls of the Kalibras and bind them to the physical bodies of the Ferment Host Lords. We will explore the Ferment Host Lords and their motivations in upcoming posts.

Post-War Kalibras

Players will drop into the realm of Ralov as wandering souls of the Kalibras that have been summoned by a Ferment Host Lord to fulfill their lord’s ambitions. Every Ferment Host Lord has their own goals and motivations, with some attempting to rebuild their civilisation from the ashes and others with more sinister plans. Players will inhabit bodies provided to them by their lords and engage in quests to further the agendas of their lords, create their own factions, re-build cities, immerse themselves in the lore, and be at the forefront of world building in the realm of Ralov. These physical bodies will be NFTs that players can use in-game and are built to reflect the Ferment Host Lord that has summoned them and the corresponding domain they have been summoned to.

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