COSMEE introduced as the first Korean DApp project, on Money Today News (MTN), Korean Economics Media

2 min readSep 28, 2018


Korea’s 1st DApp ‘COSMEE’ will aquire and train “the next-generation beauty influencers”…

The launch of the first Korean blockchain-based app, COSMEE, has caught public attention. If users share their beauty reviews or comment on posts, cryptocurrency is given out as a reward according to the level of participation. COSMEE is even planning to expand the business further by having its own influencers.

At first, COSMEE seems to be nothing more than a social network service for beauty community. However, there is a big difference; users are rewarded with a token called ‘COSM’ for their participation. These tokens can be cashed out in exchanges or be used to purchase cosmetics in the app later.

‘COSMEE’ is the first Korean DApp (decentralized app) developed by Cosmochain. For a month after its launch, COSMEE has gained awareness with the influx of new subscribers, at least 300 per day. On September 18th, the number of daily new subscribers hit thousands.

Currently, only users are posting their reviews on beauty products, but professional influencers will be hired to post on COSMEE app soon. The influencers hired by COSMEE will not post any sponsored products for the sake of advertising but post beauty contents such as make-up tips and skin care know-how.

“Unlike the MCN project that supports existing influencers, Cosmochain has its own platform and new influencers can make a profit based on their contents uploaded to COSMEE,” said CEO Howon Song.

Recently, developing DApps has become more important because experts in the field put more emphasis on ‘actual usage’ of blockchain technology.

Regardless of numerous cryptocurrencies and DApps issued and developed by companies, the blockchain industry cannot be rooted deeply in society if users are not interested in them.

As the marketing impact of SNS grows more powerful and effective, there is much attention towards whether COSMEE’s new trial to integrate blockchain technology with beauty will be successful.

—by Soyeong Park (Money Today News,

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For more details about Cosmochain and COSMEE, please visit the websites below.


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Cosmochain is designing a blockchain-based beauty ecosystem that connects beauty industry players with customers willing to share their thoughts on cosmetics