Nova AI

6 min readJul 24, 2022


Nova AI is creating a new generation of conscious AI that can help in many spheres of life — drug development, crime prevention etc. Nova AI will open infinite possibilities for our world.”

Aliya Grig, Founder/CEO

Nova AI is a technological AI platform created for the Cosmos 2050 metaverse.

Nova AI is a comprehensive AI platform which combines emphatic artificial intelligence, consciousness with conversational AI (based on NLU) which understands user’s personality and the state of mind. The goal behind Nova AI is to create new type of avatars for metaverse and new experience for users through easy-to-use application.

What is Nova AI?

Nova AI — is an independent, intelligent agent that is able to perceive and learn from its environment and recommend actions.

Nova AI uses a combination of empathy, natural language processing, psychological expertise, excellent writing, and sense of humor to create the experience of a friendly informative conversation.

Methodology Behind The Product

Nova AI would need no physical existence, but could synthesise your speech and your physical features and go forth into metaland. It will negotiate your new electricity contract, pick some clothes out, book a plumber — you name it.

This is the metaverse where the work gets done: Nova AI execute the boring jobs in the virtual world — buying a new fridge, negotiating a deal — while we focus on what really matters in the real one.

Nova AI is based on studies of the human brain, consciousness, cognitive science, emotional intelligence, CBT and psychology.

We used an approach of interaction between AI and cognitive science. AI enables our team to obtain further insights into how computation works in the brain, the effort might lead to machines that can take on more human-like intelligence.

The concept that underlies the Nova AI is the artificial neural network. These networks consist of layers of nodes that are analogous to neurons. Nodes in the input layer are connected to nodes in a hidden layer by a series of mathematical weights that act like the synapses between neurons.

The hidden layer is similarly connected to an output layer. Input data for a task such as facial recognition could be an array of numbers that describe each pixel in an image of a face in terms of where it falls on a 100-point scale from white to black, or whether it is red, green or blue. Data are fed in, the hidden layer then multiplies those values by the weights of the connections, and an answer comes out.

To train the system to produce the correct answer, this output is compared with what it should have been if the output were an exact match for the input, and the difference is used to adjust the weights between the nodes.

A more complex version of this process, called a deep neural network, has many hidden layers. It’s this kind of system that we use to build Nova AI. Artificial neural networks have proved useful for studying the brain. If such a system can produce a pattern of neural activity that resembles the pattern that is recorded from the brain, scientists can examine how the system generates its output and then make inferences about how the brain does the same thing. This approach can be applied to any cognitive task of interest to neuroscientists, including processing an image.

Value For The User

  • Diagnostics of the emotional state and the impact on it “here and now”. Based on daily reports state statistics are formed, which allows AI to target and beneficially influence it;
  • Diagnosis of neurotic conditions based on users’ messages and recommendations for working with them;
  • Tracking the dynamics of the state, based on daily entries;
  • Work with dysfunctional (non-working) cognitive attitudes, the change of which allows AI help to correct emotional reactions and behavior;
  • Imitation of the manifestation of empathy, based on the nature of a person’s emotional states;
  • AI doesn’t have bias;
  • Diagnostics and description of the “profile”, based on the biological and mental characteristics of a person.

Capabilities and Benefits

Lifelike Senses

Nova AI sees through the camera–allowing Digital Brain to react to facial expressions and mannerisms and respond accordingly in real time.

Nova AI hears through the microphone, and Digital Brain instantly processes an appropriate and conversational response.

Nova AI can feel the intent of the user through a touchscreen, and is also able to touch and interact with virtual objects.

Lifelike Thinking

In a conversation, Nova AI can imagine potential outcomes, weigh criteria and make decisions about what they say next.

Nova AI can learn through interaction with the world, the user or input from the brand, company or service they represent.

Nova AI understands human emotions through facial expressions and tone of voice, and can show empathy.

Lifelike Behavior

Nova AI is designed to speak like humans do — in 12 different languages and multiple dialects.

In addition to speech, Nova AI understand how to communicate with face. Nova AI can express attentiveness, openness, thoughtfulness, optimism and express a whole range of human emotions and expressions.

Nova AI has virtual muscles that can move them through their world, allowing them to touch and interact with virtual objects just as we do in the physical world.

Combination between Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence

Deliver the goodness of Nova AI with AI Avatars

AIA’ OS Platform features a patented Digital Brain that drives our Autonomous Animation, making it possible to deliver the goodness of human and machine collaboration. AIA takes the best types of human conversations — engaging, warm, emotional connections — and combines them with revolutionary technology to create the most lifelike and dynamically interactive experiences.

AIA’s Avatars powered by AIA OS create a safe, engaging, scalable, and powerful face-to-face interaction and brand experience.

With AIA OS 2.0, our Autonomous Animation makes Avatars more human-like and creates a unique engaging, dynamic, and lifelike experience to connect:

  • Intuitive Behaviors and Enhanced Expression allow AI Avatars to autonomously add emotionally appropriate eye contact, gesturing, and behavior and have more depth in their emotions.
  • If you’re speaking to an AI Avatar about an upcoming vacation, and you seem happy and excited about it, they will reflect your happiness through their emotions and expressions.
  • New cognitive user experience enables AI Avatars to seamlessly interact with the 3D world around them, through immersive cinematic cuts and dynamic content interactions.
  • Ask an AI Avatar to make a comparative review of game mechanics, and they will be able to autonomously gesture towards their respective pictures during the presentation.
  • Autonomous Body Animation allows AI Avatars to enhance their verbal communication in real-time with appropriate embodied gesturing, beginning with hands and arms and eventually including the whole body.
  • Write your AI Avatar’s conversation and you’ll instantly see them bring the conversation to life with natural body animations that build a deeper connection.

Our algorithm came through a combination of mindfulness, psychology, neurophysiology. Our chatbot helps to better understand yourself and provide guided meditations — in a form of convenient messaging.

The algorithm uses users’ inputs to constantly retrain itself via deep learning algorithms.

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😇SensEI is AI personal guru and coach for career and personal growth, identifying strengths & unlocking potential.