Dip. Dip. Depress.

Ha ha ha. What a joke? Grow a spine. It’s all in your mind.
Only until the octopus finds you in your hideout.

2 min readSep 20, 2023
Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

No way out.
Nobody ever made it before.
I have you where I want you to be.

Won’t matter if it’s your maiden voyage.
Or you are the most celebrated sailors of all.
Kneel thy knees before me.
For I am the monster of the sea.

Ha ha ha.
Wasn’t that you?
Where is that ha ha ha now?

Hey clay pot,
You are my playmate for the day.
Wait until I make you into thousand pieces.

The clock is broken.
The sun is dethroned.
Time and light won't enter this black hole again.

I know you chickened out.
Will be back soon to have you for my brunch.

Hey there. Stay put.
Until the eyes get used to the darkness.
Look around. You are not alone here.

I will let you in on a little secret.
He only goes for those Oysters with pearls.
Empty shells don’t lure him as much.

We are not stooges to end up in his wardrobe collection.
We are stallions born to run wild on the endless meadows.

He is all lies and knows too well of your strength.
For only till the sun is absent, he can make his hay.

Time and light will come back with revenge.
The world is waiting by the riverside,
to hear the cuckoos sing your victorious arrival.

Thanks for your time reading :)

