Chapter 1: Simple. Not easy.

Practice what you believe in. Preach what you practice. No more fancy B.S.

2 min readSep 16, 2023


That’s all there is to know.


That’s all there is to do.
Detachment happens on its own accord.

Everything else you do is only working on the periphery. Just testing the waters.

There is already too much mumbo jumbo all around. Choosing the right path for you is only going to get tougher each passing day.

making your life a little more liveable,
being able to love and be loved,
becoming more successful at what you do,
If above are your intentions to practice meditation, then good for you. You don’t need me.

I am here to talk to those who have always had one thing in their heart.
If realising your self is the only worth while goal of life, then its paramount that you focus on doing the necessary things right.

First you need to do a fact check.
What you really want to get out of life.
Is attaining God part of your bucket list?
Or you are willing to kick the bucket just for the slightest possibility of knowing thyself.

The difference is huge.

Self realization is not an act of selfishness.
Its the most selfless thing one can do.
Just like a scientist or an inventor helps with the human cause, a self realized being does great service to the process of creation itself.

If you have been in search of truth for a while, by now you must have understood that the whole purpose of your life is to serve others. If that’s not the case, then you will have to wait for that epiphany moment.

Without that nothing I say here will make sense.

You can read all you want.
But clarity of thought will be elusive to you.
Only a heart that melts for others is capable of eternity.

Does a simple thought of God and his compassion towards you bring tears of joy?
Then you are among those select few.

No more anxious about the future.
No more guilty of the past.
Just absolutely immersed in the present.
If that is you, then you are among those special few.
You are already in the kingdom of god.
You don’t need anybody’s endorsement about that fact.

You know you have arrived.

>>Next Chapter: Faith Revisited

