Tales of God — Episode 1: You have been warned

2 min readSep 14, 2023


A young lad was serving a master for years. And the master was very much satisfied with his service and one day he offered to pass on a special mantra to the disciple. This mantra would make the disciple immortal. There was just one caveat. He couldn’t share it with anyone else. If he did so, the master said, the disciple’s head would blow apart in an instant.

The disciple accepted the mantra with all reverence and took leave from the master. The disciple was going back to his village and along the way he was thinking about the master’s warning. Because of his selflessness and dedication to the service of the master, he has been rewarded with such a gift. He completely deserved it.

As he neared the village, he could hear different voices from the ongoing weekly market of his village. In the middle of the marketplace stood a temple on which he climbed such that anyone around could see and hear him. He started narrating the happenings of the day and announced that he is now going to share that Mantra with everyone. For him, it did not matter that he would die in the process. But he was quite content that it would help the whole village.

He recited the mantra at the top of his voice. With batted breath, he waited for the inevitable to happen. Minutes passed but nothing seemed to happen to him. People gathered around him laughed it off and went on with their day’s work.

The disciple went back to see the master and shared the incident with him. The master was very happy to hear that and hugged the disciple with compassion. The disciple was now ready for the rest of the master’s teachings.

There has always been only one quality which was needed to attain god. That is love for others. Nothing else matters as much.

>>Next Episode: The most important thing

Disclaimer: Stories from the Tales of god series are not my imagination. Its what I read or heard from others.

