Welcome to Zombie Land

Where dreams die of natural causes

2 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

You can be whatever you want to be.
The single best lie all of us have been told at least once in our life.
Don’t buy into that and waste your precious time.

Breath is free. So we are good there for now.
Bread should be won. What is your plan?
You can go fasting.
But what about the others who depend on you.

Breaking free is of course an option.
But it also means you have to break a few hearts.
Is chasing your dream worthy of chasing away life?

Family comes first.
For dreams can be dispelled.
They may come back looking for shelter.
But be strict with them and don’t let them in.
Because dreaming is drifting.

Get ready for that daily commute.
Look around.
Do you see the long faces staring aimlessly through the windows?
They were all once like yours. Bustling with possibilities.
But now they have all been made to accept the grim reality of life.

Focus on surviving the next 20 years.
Learn from the ants. A rainy day can come any moment.
You can’t be caught off guard.
Offence is not the best defence you see.

Years later, with no more gas left on the tank
Park yourself by the neighbouring woods
Take a leisurely walk if you like and
Sit down on the wooden bench.

What a success story your life has been?
Not succumbing to the enchantment of your dreams
Wasn’t easy at all.

But now with waning resistance,
Your old friends show up one by one.
A dancer. A racer. A chef. A wanderer.
You welcome them all with a hearty smile.

A dancer who forgot his moves.
A racer who fears the sharp turns.
A chef who forfeited the sense of taste.
A wanderer who lost the passion for a walk.
Y’all get into a huddle to decide
What to do with the remaining days.

May be I can write an autobiography.
Of all the lost opportunities and stale ideas
Which could have seen the light of the day.
But what good it will be to anyone else.
Zombies can’t teach life hacks you see.

But my writing can help the wannabes
on how to become a successful zombie.
I can even name it
‘Welcome to Zombie Land’.

Thanks for your time reading :)

