Country Chris
2 min readJul 16, 2017


I’m sorry sir but this is simply not true. Knowledge of any kind is of great use whether put into practice or not. Knowledge creates a foundation for understanding how things work.

Being able to understand why people behave in a certain manner or why the weather is the way it is on a certain day is useful not just for yours or anyone else’s daily or longterm purpose, it’s important for creating a reservoir of knowledge for cogent and critical thinking. Employers will tell you these are two of the top things they cannot find in most applicants.

The ability to cultivate a nimble responsive and educatable brain is most dependent on challenging it to learn new skills, educate oneself in topics that may not be of most interest to you, simply to exercise what is probably the most complex organ in the history of this planet….The Human Brain. A normal human brain has around three trillion synapses. Exercising the brain creates cognitive resourses that can be called upon at anytime. It has been proven in multiple studies that these resources will stave off the treachery of old age. Senility and even in some cases the disabling effects of Alzheimers have been prevented by simply using ones brain for vigorous edutainment. Our brains are continually growing and actually physically changing. Everyday we are learning more and more about the amazing brain and “neuroplasticity”.

I feel after reading some of these articles of yours that you may be a child of the 80s. The late seventies and especially the eighties were what many of us broadcasters and journalists refer to as the beginning of “blurb” broadcasting. The advent of cable TV and the highly competitive 24 hour news cycle amplified this blurb mentality which frankly has degraded and permeated most media today. Gone are the Walter Cronkites and Eric Sevareids of television’s Golden Age of Network News.

Great accomplishments seldom occur without taking great risks.

May I be so bold to suggest you try writing an article without a number in the title. You may be surprised to find you create your best work yet. In fact you just might start a NEW trend !

All the best !



Country Chris

I'm a Creative Entrepreneur, Comptia Tech, Data Science, CCNA, AWS, GCP, MS Azure. Award Winning Singer-Songwriter, Radio personality, producer, engineer.