Supervised learning with scikit-learn (Part 6)-Importing the DataSet

11 min readNov 16, 2023


📚Chapter:3-Data Preprocessing

Importing the Data Set in Machine Learning Using Scikit-Learn


Machine learning is a fascinating field that empowers computers to learn and make predictions from data without explicit programming. One of the fundamental steps in any machine learning project is importing the dataset. The dataset is the foundation upon which models are built, and effective handling of data is crucial for successful machine learning outcomes. In this blog, we will explore how to import datasets in machine learning using the popular Python library, Scikit-Learn.


Understanding Scikit-Learn
What is a dataset
Why do you need datasets
Importing Scikit-Learn
Loading Sample Datasets
Loading External Datasets
Loading CSV Datasets
Handling Custom Datasets
Create Synthetic Data using Python

Section 1- Understanding Scikit-Learn

Scikit-Learn, also known as sklearn, is an open-source machine-learning library for Python. It provides simple and efficient tools for data analysis and modeling, including various machine learning algorithms. One of the strengths of Scikit-Learn is its consistent and user-friendly API, making it easy to implement machine learning workflows.

Section 2- What is a dataset?

A dataset in machine learning is a collection of instances (instance refers to a single row of data) that all share some common features and attributes. For a machine learning model to perform different actions, two kinds of datasets are required –[1]

  1. Training Dataset — The data that is fed into the machine learning algorithm for training.
  2. Test Dataset or Validation Dataset — The data that is used to evaluate and test that the machine learning model is interpreting accurately.

Section3-Why do you need datasets?

Machine learning algorithms learn from data. A machine learning algorithm identifies trends, and relationships, and makes predictions based on large volumes of data given to training the models. Thus, data is the golden goose in machine learning. The insights gleaned from machine learning models are only as good as the dataset. Having large and better training data for a machine learning project leads to better and more accurate model performance. Reliable machine-learning datasets are extremely important and play a vital role in the development of accurate machine-learning models.[1]

Section4- Importing Scikit-Learn

Before we dive into importing datasets, make sure you have Scikit-Learn installed. If not, you can install it using:

pip install scikit-learn

Now, let’s explore the different ways to import datasets using Scikit-Learn.

Section5- Loading Sample Datasets

Scikit-Learn comes with several built-in datasets that are useful for practicing and testing machine learning algorithms. To load a sample dataset, you can use the following code:


from sklearn import datasets 
# Load the iris dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
# Access the features and target variable
X = # Features
y = # Target variable

In this example, we loaded the famous Iris dataset, which contains measurements of 150 iris flowers from three different species. X represents the features (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width), and y represents the target variable (the species of iris).

Section 6- Loading External Datasets

Scikit-Learn also provides functions to load external datasets. For example, you can use the load_svmlight_file function to load datasets in the LIBSVM format:

from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file 
# Load a dataset in LIBSVM format
X, y = load_svmlight_file('path/to/dataset.txt')

Replace 'path/to/dataset.txt' with the actual path to your dataset file.

Section7- Loading CSV Datasets

For datasets in CSV format, you can use libraries like Pandas to load the data and then convert it to NumPy arrays for further processing with Scikit-Learn:

import pandas as pd
# Load a CSV dataset using Pandas
df = pd.read_csv('path/to/dataset.csv')
# Convert the DataFrame to NumPy arrays
X = df.drop('target_column', axis=1).values
# Features
y = df['target_column'].values
# Target variable

Replace 'path/to/dataset.csv' and 'target_column' with the appropriate values for your dataset.

Section8-Handling Custom Datasets

If you have a custom dataset, you can create NumPy arrays or Pandas DataFrames and then use them in your machine learning pipeline. Ensure that the features and target variable are correctly defined.

import numpy as np 
# Create NumPy arrays for features and target variable
X_custom = np.array([[feature1, feature2, ...], [feature1, feature2, ...], ...])
y_custom = np.array([target1, target2, ...])

Now that you have a basic understanding of importing datasets using Scikit-Learn, you can proceed with exploring and analyzing your data, preparing it for training machine learning models. Remember that the dataset’s quality and how well it represents the problem at hand greatly influence the success of a machine learning model. Proper data preprocessing, feature engineering, and understanding the domain are crucial aspects of any machine learning project.

Section-9- Loading Datasets from Google drive

import pandas as pd
from google.colab import drive
Train_data = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Datasets (1)/Student field Recommendation /Placement_Data_Full_Class.csv',encoding = 'latin')

Section -10- Loading Datasets from GitHub

!pip install wget
!rm markets.csv
!wget -O stock_data.csv
df = pd.read_csv("stock_data.csv", sep=",", header=0)

Section-11- Synthetic dataset


Companies often come across the problem where they don’t have enough real-life data or they cannot use actual data due to privacy concerns. This is where synthetic data generation comes to the rescue. Researchers and data scientists are using synthetic data to build new products, improve the performance of machine learning models, replace sensitive data, and save costs in acquiring the data. The synthetic data is used in the healthcare sector, self-driving cars, and financial sectors, maintaining a high level of privacy, and for research purposes [2]

Synthetic data is artificially annotated information that is generated by computer algorithms or simulations, commonly used as an alternative to real-world data [1]. Synthetic data is commonly used as an alternative to real-world data. More specifically, it is artificially annotated information that is generated by computer algorithms or simulations. Research has shown that synthetic data can be as good or even better than real-world data for data analysis and training AI models; and that it can be engineered to reduce biases in datasets and protect the privacy of any personal data that it’s trained on. With the right tools, synthetic data is also easy to generate, so it is considered a fast, cost-effective data augmentation technique, too [1].

Section 12- Create Synthetic Data using Python

1- Sklearn dataset

Wine dataset

from sklearn.datasets import load_wine

wine = load_wine()
for line in wine.DESCR.split("\n")[5:29]:
wine_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns = wine.feature_names)
wine_df["WineType"] =

Breast Cancer dataset

from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer

breast_cancer = load_breast_cancer()
for line in breast_cancer.DESCR.split("\n")[5:31]:
breast_cancer_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns = breast_cancer.feature_names)
breast_cancer_df["TumorType"] =

Boston Housing datast

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
for line in boston.DESCR.split("\n")[5:29]:
boston_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns = boston.feature_names)
boston_df["Price"] =

Regression problem generation

from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
data1 = make_regression(n_samples=20, n_features=4, n_informative=2, n_targets=1,
bias=0.0, effective_rank=None,tail_strength=0.5,
noise=0.0, shuffle=True, coef=False, random_state=None)
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1[0],columns=['x'+str(i) for i in range(1,5)])
df1['y'] = data1[1]

x1 x2 x3 x4 y
0 0.838064 0.079599 -0.092742 1.254009 135.442681
1 0.568419 0.760923 -0.769933 -0.790223 -45.813264
2 0.692084 -0.493769 0.206512 0.550692 71.163141
3 0.607550 -1.449636 0.822219 1.995158 189.321754
4 0.200813 -1.737370 1.185276 -0.561152 -39.846264

Classification problem generation

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
data3 = make_classification(n_samples=20, n_features=4, n_informative=4, n_redundant=0, n_repeated=0,
n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, weights=None, flip_y=0.01, class_sep=1.0,
hypercube=True, shift=0.0, scale=1.0, shuffle=True, random_state=None)
df3 = pd.DataFrame(data3[0],columns=['x'+str(i) for i in range(1,5)])
df3['y'] = data3[1]

Clustering problem generation

from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
data4 = make_blobs(n_samples=60, n_features=4, centers=3, cluster_std=1.0,
center_box=(-5.0, 5.0), shuffle=True, random_state=None)
df4 = pd.DataFrame(data4[0],columns=['x'+str(i) for i in range(1,5)])
df4['y'] = data4[1]

2- Generate random dummy data

To generate random ‘dummy’ data, we can make use of the make_classification() function in case of classification data, and make_regression() function in case of regression data. This is very useful in some cases when debugging or when you want to try out certain things on a (small) random data set. Below, we generate 10 classification data points consisting of 4 features (found in X) and a class label (found in y), where the data points belong to either the negative class (0) or the positive class (1)[3]. make_classification is a pretty handy function to create some experimental data for you. The important parameter over here is weights which ensure 95% are from one class and 5% from the other class

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import pandas as pd
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=10, n_features=4, n_classes=2, random_state=123)
#Here, X consists of the 4 feature columns for the generated data points:
pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['Feature_1', 'Feature_2', 'Feature_3', 'Feature_4'])
#And y contains the corresponding label of each data point
pd.DataFrame(y, columns=['Label'])
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, class_sep=0.5,
weights=[0.05, 0.95], n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, flip_y=0,
n_features=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, n_samples=1000, random_state=10

3- Create a dataset with SMOTE

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
sm = SMOTE(random_state=42)
X_res, y_res = sm.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)

4- Faker

We might come across a situation where we need to generate some test data or use some dummy data in our analysis. One way to get dummy data is by using the Faker library. This will generate fake data for you very quickly when you need to.Faker is a fantastic package to generate fake random data. Each time you use the faker library generator, it will result in different random data. There are numerous exciting methods like fake text, fake credit card numbers. The complete documentation of this faker library and its uses is at this link [4,3].

!pip install faker
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# Generating fake email
print (
# Generating fake country name
# Generating fake name
# Generating fake text
# Generating fake lat and lon
print(fake.latitude(), fake.longitude())
# Generating fake url
# Generating fake profile
# Generating random number
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()


5-Seaborn Datasets

There is a nice variety in the datasets which allows for a variety of data science techniques. But first, let’s figure out how to find them and what they are [5].

# we need to import the seaborn package first
import seaborn as sb
# import pandas for data frame
import pandas as pd
# using seaborn, we can return a list of the data set names

Importing Seaborn is the first step, inside the package are all of our data sets. Next, we call the names of those data sets and it returns a list — that looks like this.


Anscombe’s quartet is comprised of four data sets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics — meaning that they all have eleven points and their averages and variance are all very similar. But they all have very different distributions and appear very different when graphed. They were constructed in 1973 by the statistician Francis Anscombe to demonstrate both the importance of graphing data before analyzing it and the effect of outliers and other influential observations on statistical properties. Both of these are important ideas to a good data scientist.[5].

# we can load the dataset directly onto a data frame
df = sb.load_dataset('anscombe')
# look at a portion to see what we are working with

Suggested Projects

We can do a few things here:

  1. Clustering — build an algorithm that can detect patterns in the data and see if there is any similarity between points in datasets I, II, III, and IV.
  2. Logistic Regression — try and predict which point belongs to which data set
  3. Linear Regression — try and predict the missing value of x or y


This data set is built upon test takers, whether they were focused, and what score they received. The data set looks like this:[5]

Suggested Projects:

  1. Logistic Regression — we can try and predict whether the target variable is ‘focused’ or ‘distracted.’

Car Crashes

This data set is divided into different states in the U.S. Each state has the following features:[5]

Suggested Projects:

  1. Logistic Regression — we can try and predict whether the target variable is ‘focused’ or ‘distracted.’

Car Crashes

This data set is divided into different states in the U.S. Each state has the following features:[5]

As you can see, the data set is flush with continuous variables. Ignoring the ‘abbrev’ feature which just tells us the state, we can use this data set to predict almost any feature.

Suggested Projects:

  1. Multivariate Linear Regression — using the combination of features you can try to build a model that will predict any of the features.
  2. Clustering — grouping states together based on the features. An interesting analysis idea would be to look at the clusters to try and determine group models using outside research (ie. traffic laws).


In this data set, each observation is a unique diamond. Features include carat, color, cut, clarity, and dimensions (x,y,z). This is a well-known beginner data set that can be used in a variety of projects.[5]

Suggested Projects:

  1. Multivariate Linear Regression — there are a lot of continuous variables that could be predicted
  2. Multivariate Logistic Regression — try to predict either color, cut, or clarity using the other features
  3. Clustering — analyze clusters that come up and determine shared characteristics (ie. overpriced, fairly priced, etc


Scikit-Learn provides convenient tools for importing datasets, whether they are built-in, external, or custom. Mastering this step is essential for a successful machine learning journey, as it sets the stage for subsequent data analysis, model training, and evaluation. Happy coding!

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