Mastering the Art of Writing a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

21 min readSep 3, 2023


Writing research papers is an art that each researcher and academic needs to master. Writing a research paper can be a daunting task for many students and researchers. Whether you are writing a paper for an academic course or for publication in a scholarly journal, it is essential to understand the key elements and steps involved in crafting a well-structured and impactful research paper. Regardless of the research area, you work in, there are 5 parts in a research paper. The paper format may differ slightly at different journals and publishers, but by large, each academic research paper will comprise an introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of writing a research paper step by step, providing you with valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you excel in your writing endeavors.

Section 1- General Points


Below. The tense of a verb reflects the timing of the action:[1]. Choosing the correct verb tense for each section of a scientific manuscript can be challenging, but it is worth the effort. Editorials in several journals have noted that proper verb tense is an important aspect of a well-written manuscript1,2,3 and some journals and publishers specifically mention verb tense in their style guides[1].

  • Past tense indicates that action already occurred.
  • Present tense: indicates that the action is currently occurring.
  • Future tense indicates that the event has not yet occurred.
  • Future perfect tense: in which the action is defined relative to another point in time


  • Avoid very long paragraphs and sentences
  • consider using heading, bullets, italics, and boldface (But do not overuse these)
  • Make easy-to-understand graphics
  • Ensure that there is no disconnect in the flow of information from the title to the references.
  • Avoiding inconsistency and vagueness


  • Before submitting your manuscript to a journal read the final version several times
  • Seek feedback from others

Section 2: Understanding the Research Paper Format

Before embarking on your research paper writing journey, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the structure and format that you should follow. The typical research paper structure consists of the following sections:

1- Title

The title should be concise, informative, and catch the reader’s attention.


  • For many journals, the manuscript title does not need to be a complete sentence, and no verb is necessary [1]
  • In cases where a complete sentence is appropriate, use the simple present tense to describe a conclusion that the manuscript supports (e.g., “Gene X is required for intestinal cell differentiation” or “Frameshift mutations in gene X cause abnormal notochord development in zebrafish”) [2].


  • A Good title should contain the fewest possible words that adequately describe the content of the paper
  • Keep title short
  • identify the main issue of the paper
  • begin with the subject of the paper
  • are accurate, unambiguous specific, and complete
  • Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations
  • Make them easy for indexing and searching informative attractive, effective
  • Keep the title simple and Specific to describe the content but not so technical it cannot be easily understood, Try to be concise

3- Abstract

A brief summary of the research paper, highlighting its objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions.5 reasons why your abstract is important

  • The abstract provides a quick overview: The abstract is the first section of a scientific paper that readers encounter. Therefore, it should provide a brief overview of the entire paper, including your key findings
  • A well-written abstract increases accessibility and visibility: Abstracts are often published in databases and indexes which allows researchers to search for papers based on specific keywords in search engines such as Google Scholar, the Web of Science Master Journal List, or PubMed.
  • Abstracts save researchers and journal editors time: Researchers often need to read through many papers to find the information they need. The abstract allows readers to quickly determine if a paper is relevant to their needs, saving them time and effort.
  • An abstract can improve understanding: The abstract summarizes the key findings and conclusions of the research. This enables readers to quickly understand the implications of the research and its potential impact on their field.
  • An abstract enables critical appraisal: This allows readers to evaluate the quality and reliability of the research and determine if the conclusions are supported by the evidence presented.

The quality of an abstract will inform the editor’s decision

  • Honest and precise
  • can standalone (search engines, sometimes all people read)
  • No technical jargon
  • Short and Specific
  • Cites no references
  • The abstract is short but remember not to cram as much detail into it as possible; you want to grab the reader’s attention with the first statement

Reviewer Comments

  • The abstract must mention the results in terms of statistically explicitly
  • the keywords mentioned in the abstract were not reflected in the abstract.
  • The author needs to change the abstract and focus more on the problem domain. Before the paper contributions, the author could precisely include the need of developing the proposed method.


  • The verb tense chosen for the abstract should be based on the section of the text to which each sentence corresponds [1]. For example, introductory statements describing the current understanding of the issue should use the present tense, references to previous research should use the present perfect, and descriptions of the methods and results should use the past tense.
  • Present tense is used for highlighting the gaps the aim and objective of and the application.
  • Past tense is used for highlighting the important methodology and expressing the executive summary of your result .Achievement can also be expressed in the past perfect tense

4- Introduction:

This section provides an overview of the research topic, presents the research question or hypothesis, and outlines the significance and relevance of the study. The introduction sets the stage for your research paper and should captivate the reader’s interest while providing essential background information. Here are some tips for writing an effective introduction:

  • The introduction should introduce the topic of the paper, provide background information, and state the thesis statement.
  • When writing the introduction pick out the things that are most relevant to your work and explain why. Present the background of your work while focusing on the most important issues.this section aims to provide the relevant background and rationale for your work, as well as specify its novelty and contribution;
  • Hook the reader: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence or anecdote that relates to your research topic.
  • Provide context: Introduce the research topic and its significance in a broader context, highlighting any relevant background information or previous studies.
  • State the research question or hypothesis: Clearly articulate your main research question or hypothesis to guide the reader throughout the paper.
  • Outline the paper’s structure: Briefly mention the main sections or key points that will be covered in your research paper.


  • The introduction often includes several verb tenses, each providing a different context for the statement that accompanies [1]
  • First, when stating a fact that is widely accepted, the present tense is appropriate. Present tense is used for know facts and truths and usually
    followed by the appropriate research reference Examples of such a statement include “DNA is composed of four nucleotides” or “trypanosomes exhibit global trans-splicing of RNA transcripts.” The use of the present tense signifies that the statement reflects the current understanding of the matter at hand [1]
  • Most introductions also include references to previous research. When referring to a previous study with results that are still relevant, use the present perfect tense (a form of the verb ‘have’ plus a past participle, such as “have shown” or “has been shown”) [1]. This tense demonstrates that the action occurred in the past but still applies in the present. Phrases like “Johnson et al.have shown that gene X is part of an operon” or “unusual glycosylation events have been observed in these cells” are appropriate because the research or observation was made in the past, but the results are still valid. This tense is also used when the event began in the past but continues in the present (“patients with XYZ syndrome have been surveyed for the past ten years”).
  • Past tense is used for describing work or experiments that have been conducted and the result of these work
  • Please note that the present tense is used when a specific result, figure, or paper is the subject of a sentence. Like a movie or book, published research is still available for readers to examine, and a paper, therefore, continues to express its conclusions. Examples of statements about previous research using the present tense include “the results of their study indicate that the drug is highly effective” or “a landmark paper from Smith’s lab describes the discovery of this new organelle.” [1]
  • In some other parts of an introduction, the past tense is needed. When referring specifically to the methods used in a previous paper, the past tense is best. For example, it is correct to say “Smith and Anderson sampled 96 swamps and found 156 distinct dragonfly species” or “gene X was first cloned into a shuttle vector in 2003.” [1]
  • keep with the rule of good writing and is written using active rather than passive tense
  • statements that are no longer considered true should remain in the past tense [1], “early physicists thought that electrons traveled in defined orbits.”
  • The active voice (for example using we or I) is usefull when you discuss previous research and then introduce your own
  • The passive voice is not preferable for introduction but in some sentenes
    passive voice can be perfectly acceptabel

Others point

Below is a preview of our outlining specific actions that authors can take to put together a strong introduction section. It covers the following topics:

1- Clear research question

  • Most importantly, you need to present a clear research question and convince your readers that your work fills a gap in current knowledge — if the readers do not believe that your paper will improve their understanding of the field in a meaningful way, they are less likely to invest valuable time and effort in reading it carefully [2].

2- Purpose and Structure

  • The structure and length of an Introduction are not set in stone and can vary across fields and publications [2].but this section ultimately serves a single purpose: to lead the reader through a narrative that ends with the presentation of the research and the reasons for its importance [2].
  • The ideal structure of such a narrative is a “funnel” that starts with broad conceptual information and gradually narrows in scope and specificity until the information presented is specific to the research questions being addressed [2]

3- Grab the Reader

  • Draw them immediately to the crucial issue that your paper address. The Introduction to a research paper needs to convince the reader that your work is important and relevant, frame the questions being addressed, and provide context for the findings being presented [2]

4- Keep it short

  • 2–3 paragraphs if possible

5- Avoid a literature review

  • set the scene and give the state of the art rather than describe everything known on the topic
  • using 10 fold cross validation method
  • the opening sentence takes you straight to the issue
  • contains the most important detail of the issue
  • Contains a brief summary of the controversies and the best evidence
  • end in a crisp and clear research question and how you set out to answer it.

Reviewer Comments

  • Making the contribution and research objective clear
  • In the introduction section, the way of expressing the problem is not written correctly. The order of the introduction and the main purpose of the research should be written completely. In other parts of the article, the way of writing the method and the results are not followed and it is very ambiguous for the readers (even reviewers). There has been a repetition of the content.
  • The ideas discussed towards the end of the introduction section are not novel. In fact, they are already being implemented by many healthcare systems across the globe. The authors need to stress the novelty of their idea and moreover discuss the improvements compared to existing models
  • The novelty of this paper is not clear. The difference between the present work and previous Works should be highlighted

Sub Part

  1. Significance of Study
  • Why is it important to undertake this research? Who will be the beneficiary(s)?
  • Justify how the proposed research will contribute to the industry/ national economy/ social sector.
  • Is the proposed research likely to promote further investigation within and/or across disciplines and fields?

5- Literature review:

A comprehensive review of existing scholarly literature related to the research topic, highlighting the gaps or limitations that your study aims to address. The literature review demonstrates your understanding of existing scholarship on your research topic and highlights the gaps or limitations that your study aims to address. Here’s how to build a compelling literature review:

  • Start broad, then narrow down: Begin by providing an overview of the broader field or topic area before gradually narrowing down to more specific studies relevant to your research question.
  • Organize by themes or chronologically: Structure your literature review either thematically (grouping studies based on common themes) or chronologically (highlighting how the field has evolved over time).
  • Critically analyze sources: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each source and identify any contradictory findings or gaps in existing literature.
  • Highlight key findings: Summarize the main arguments or findings from each study and discuss how they contribute to your research objectives.
  • The literature review should discuss the research that has been done on the topic. This will help you to establish the context for your paper and to identify the gaps in the research.
  • What is known /What all has been done by others in the past related to your field , What has been the strength and weaknesses of the previous related researchers Why is your research is still necessary A literature review is a continuous process from day one to the day your start research. AS You read every day for literature review, fill up your literature review Matrix, it is good to be a daily process. Eventually, a pattern will emerge for the research Gap. There are different type of research Gap and their details as follows

What is the research Gap?

We define a research gap as a topic or area for which missing or inadequate information limits the ability of reviewers to reach a conclusion for a given question.

Type of Research Gap

1) Evidence Gap
Example: Results from studies allow for conclusions in their own rights but are contradictory when examined from a more abstract point of view.

2) Knowledge Gap
Example: Desired research findings so not exist.

3) Practical Knowledge Gap
Example: Professional behavior or practices deviate from research findings or are not covered by the research

4) Methodological Gap
Example: A Variation of research methods is necessary to generate new insights or to avoid distorted finding

5) Empirical Gap
Example: Research findings or propositions need to be evaluated or empirically verified

6) Theoretical Gap
Example: Theory should be applied to certain research issues to generate
new insights There is a lack of theory thus gap exists

7) Population Gap
Example: Research regarding the population that is not adequately
represented or under-researched in the evidence base or prior research

How to Identify Research Gap

Considering the volume of existing research, identifying research gaps can seem overwhelming or even impossible. I don’t have time to read every paper published on public health. Similarly, you guys don’t have time to read every paper. So how can you identify a research gap?There are different techniques in various disciplines, but we can reduce most of them down to a few steps, which are:

1- identify the research area
2- Read 5–10 literature reviews in the area
3- focus on future research in the literature
4-Check existing literature related to the identified directions
5- Discuss the identified directions with your supervisors
6- Conduct a literature review on the identified direction
7- Identify crips gaps via the literature review
8- check the resources required to fill the gap

Reviewer Comments

  • The related work section seems to be just an informatory section where various related works are discussed. All the discussion presented in this section lacks critical analysis. Authors need to look at this aspect of the related work as well and need to improve on it.
  • The author could better explain how “Related Works” is actually related to the current study. It is not clear to the reader how the manuscript is similar to or differs from these related works.

6- Methodology:

Methodology: section describes the research design, sample size, data collection methods, and analysis techniques employed in your study. The methodology section outlines how you conducted your research, including details about sample selection, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. Here are some guidelines for presenting methodology.This section provides all the methodologies details necessary for another scientist to duplicate your work. It should be a narrative of the steps you took in your experiment or study not a list of instructions such as you might find in a cookbook. An important part of writing a scientific paper is deciding what bit of information needs to be given in detail. Do not quote or cite your laboratory manual. Sometimes experimental details are given as a supplement. this section aims to provide details of your methodological approach to your research and data analysis; What to do and how to solve the problem, Which research method (Survey, modeling, cases study ) will be used Type of data and its source should be briefed, Time duration of your research Total cost of incurred on your research

  • The methods section should describe how you conducted your research. This could include information about the data that you collected, the methods that you used to analyze the data, and the limitations of your research.
  • describe tools/ techniques/ data instruments and design to be used for analyzing and validating the research work
  • Provide clear descriptions: Clearly explain the steps you took to collect data and analyze it so that other researchers can replicate your study if needed.


The methods section should use the past tense because it is a report of what was done during the course of the study [1],” we tested independently derived cultures for resistance to trimethoprim”.

  • When one action occurred before another, the past perfect tense can be used to indicate the earlier action, with the subsequent action in the simple past tense [1]. The past perfect tense is formed by combining the word ‘had’ with the past participle (typically the ‘-ed’ or ‘-en’ form) of a verb. Examples combining the past and past perfect tenses include “the cells that had been irradiated [past perfect] were assayed [past] for DNA damage” and “patients who had elected [past perfect] to undergo surgery completed [past] questionnaires.”
  • In rare cases in which one action occurred while another was ongoing, the past progressive is used [1]. (e.g., “while the cells were incubating [past progressive], the temperature was raised [past] 1°C per hour” or “while patients were preparing [past progressive] for surgery, nurses collected [past] baseline samples”).
  • Present passive is used to describe what is normally done or to describe a standard procedure.
  • Past passive is used to describe what you did yourself

Reviewer Comments

  • The manuscript should provide more details about the features and make it understandable to readers.
  • No technical details about the used techniques are provided in the paper.
  • IN the Materials & Methods phase, needs to describe the approaches and logic that the authors have used.

7- Results:

Presentation and interpretation of the findings obtained from your research. The results section presents the findings obtained from your study. This section aims to present the key results you produced in due course of your research. This section presents the results of the study but does not attempt to interpret their meaning. As with the method section, the trick to writing a good result section is knowing what information to include or exclude. You will not present the raw data that you collect, but rather you will summarise the data with text, tables, and or figures. Use the text of the paper to state the results of your study, then refer the reader to a table or figure where they can see the data for themselves.

Notes: often on section “ results and discussion “
one trick is to follow the section of the method or key topics you feel are important and make a list of these before you write the results Here are some guidelines for presenting results:

  • The results section should present the findings of your research. This could include tables, graphs, or other visuals to help to illustrate your findings.
  • Use appropriate visuals: Utilize tables, graphs, charts, or figures to present your results visually and enhance reader comprehension.


  • Because the experiments described in the text were completed before the paper was written the results section of a manuscript is also largely written using the past tense (for example, “we detected no fluorescence in the control sample” [1].
  • In certain cases, however, the present tense is needed. As described above for the introduction section, the present tense is appropriate when referring to the entire paper or to individual elements of the manuscript [1]. Examples of statements for which the present tense is the best to include. For example “our results demonstrate that magnesium is essential for enzymatic function,” [1].

Other Points

  • Results the facts and nothing but the facts
  • should be ordered around primary and secondary outcomes in the same order as listed in the methods section
  • state clearly and simply what you found using words and number
  • use tables and figures for the main number
  • Do not duplicate information in text and tables
  • Make your Results and Discussion (R&D) concise but informative
  • Focus on the important parts, not the small details
  • Remember that discussion of unexpected results is often as valuable as focusing on the expected findings
  • Keep the main things the main thing
    support descriptions with details on the model, data, and statistical analyses
    Keep it in order
    move from general to specific

Reviewer Comments

  • The results must be validated and compared with standard or similar results in the literature
  • The experimental results are not convincing. Please add more comparisons with recently published solutions.
  • How do you benchmark your work? How do you evaluate it? You report the outcome without having any comparisons or benchmarking
  • Present tense is used to present the diagram , Figure , table and images. Present tense is also used to explain significance of the results
  • Past tense is used to detail the result obtained .You may use past tense to summarize your findings in combination with present tense to interpret or explain the result

8- Discussion:

Analyzing and interpreting the results in light of the research question, comparing your findings with previous studies, and discussing their implications. The discussion section is where you interpret and analyze your findings in relation to your research question(s), compare them with previous studies, and discuss their implications. This section aims to share your reflections on your results and benchmark the new knowledge with the previous knowledge, and define any practical application of your this section, you are free to explain what the results mean or why they differ from what other workers have found.

Here’s how to effectively analyze findings and craft a meaningful discussion:

  • The discussion section should interpret the results of your research and discuss their implications. This is where you will make your arguments and draw conclusions.
  • Interpret findings objectively: Analyze your results without bias, objectively discussing their implications in light of your research question(s).
  • Compare with previous studies: Compare and contrast your findings with those from previous studies, highlighting similarities, differences, or contradictions.
  • Address limitations: Acknowledge any limitations or constraints of your study that may have influenced the results.
  • Discuss implications: Explore the broader implications of your findings, suggesting potential applications or areas for future research.
  • Make your Results and Discussion (R&D) concise but informative
  • Focus on the important parts, not the small details
  • Remember that discussion of unexpected results is often as valuable as focusing on the expected findings
  • you should interpret your results in light of other published results, By adding additional information from a source you cited in the introduction section as well as by introducing new sources. ensure you provide accurate citations.
  • Relate your discussion back to the objective and questions you raised in the introduction section, however, do not simply re-state the objective. Make statements that synthesize all the evidence( include previous work and the current works)
  • limit your conclusions to those that your data can actually support. you can then proceed to speculate on why this occurred and whether you expected this to occur based on other workers finding Suggest future directions for research, new methods explanations for deviations from previously published results, etc
  • Do not write an expensive essay that extrapolates widely from what you found
  • Start the discussion with a single sentence that states your main finding
  • Discuss both strengths and weaknesses
  • Relate your study to what has been already found
  • How does your result fit in with what is already known
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your study compared to previous studies
  • what does your paper offer a different conclusion
  • Discuss what your study means
  • do not overstate the importance of your findings readers will probably come to their own conclusions on this issue.
  • Unanswered questions
  • What did your research not address? Avoid using the cliche more research is needed

Reviewer Comments

  • The discussion is weak, and not much value is added to the body of knowledge

9- Conclusion

Summarizing the main findings of your study, highlighting their significance, and suggesting potential avenues for further research. The conclusion summarizes the main findings of your study and reinforces their significance. Here’s how to write a strong conclusion:

  • Restate thesis statement: Reiterate your main thesis statement or research question to remind readers of its importance.
  • Summarize key findings: Provide a concise summary of your main findings, highlighting their relevance and contribution to the field.
  • Suggest further research: Identify potential avenues for future research based on the limitations or unanswered questions revealed by your study.


  • Past tense is used to summarize the main findings. the major implications of the study and the limitation of your work
  • Future tense is used to offer suggestion for future research

10- Acknowledgments

The writing style of acknowledgments sections may vary according to the journal, but generally, The writing style of acknowledgments sections may vary according to the journal, but generally, these sections are written in the first person and are as succinct as possible [5]. A statement about conflicts of interest, citation of a previous publication in poster or abstract form, and other information may also be included in this section, again depending on the journal. By acknowledging all help received with your research, you are demonstrating your integrity as a researcher, which in turn encourages continued collaboration. You may also be bolstering your colleagues’ careers, as being credited in an acknowledgments section is emerging as one of many gauges of a researcher’s professional impact beyond citations (see ImpactStory, based on alt metrics). Furthermore, information about who provided certain data, equipment, protocols, reagents, or samples may be of help to other researchers in your field [5]

11- References

  • Make sure that your reference section is up to date by including current literature
  • Make use of reference management software it will save your much time

12- Citing

  • In general use your own words
  • when using other’s words, put the material in quotation marks if it is short indent it if it is long
  • always cite the source if a fact or idea is not your

Section 2: Choosing a Research Topic

Selecting an appropriate research topic is crucial as it forms the foundation of your entire research paper. Here are some tips to help you choose an engaging and relevant topic:

Identify your interests: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your academic or professional goals.
Conduct preliminary research: Explore existing literature to identify gaps or areas that require further investigation.
Narrow down your focus: Select a specific aspect or angle within your broader research area to ensure depth and specificity in your study.
Consider feasibility: Evaluate whether you have access to the necessary resources, data, and expertise required to conduct research on your chosen topic.

Section 3: Conducting In-depth Research

Thorough and comprehensive research is vital to ensure the credibility and validity of your research paper. Here are some steps to follow when conducting your research:

Identify reliable sources: Utilize academic databases, scholarly journals, books, and reputable websites to gather relevant information related to your research topic.
Evaluate sources: Critically assess the credibility and reliability of each source by considering factors such as author credentials, publication date, peer review status, and relevance to your research question.
Take organized notes: Create a system for organizing your research materials and take detailed notes while reading, ensuring to include proper citations for future reference.
Analyze and synthesize information: Identify key themes, arguments, or findings from your sources and synthesize them into a coherent framework that supports your research objectives.

Section 4: Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

A well-crafted thesis statement is essential as it serves as the roadmap for your entire research paper. Here are some guidelines to create a strong thesis statement:

Be clear and concise: Clearly state your research question or main argument in one or two sentences.
Ensure relevance: Make sure that your thesis statement directly addresses your research topic and objectives.
Provide direction: Your thesis statement should guide the reader on what to expect in terms of the scope and focus of your paper.


Writing a research paper requires careful planning, extensive research, critical analysis skills, and effective communication abilities. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you will be well-equipped to craft a well-structured, impactful research paper that contributes to knowledge in your field. Remember that writing is a skill that improves with practice, so do not hesitate to seek feedback from peers or mentors along the way. Good luck with your research endeavors!

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