Is It Worth switching to the New Next.js 13 App Router?

3 min readAug 7, 2023


Switching to Next.js 13 App Router: Pros, Cons, and Considerations

Hello Guys!

The Next.js team introduces us to the all-new app router, which is a powerful alternative to the well-established pages router.

But Is it even worth the switch!?

To Switch or Not to Switch?

key features of the app router:

  1. Client-Side Routing with Link Component: Despite the server-centric routing, the app router still offers client-side routing capabilities using the link component. This basically means no hard reloads when navigating between pages, resulting in a smoother user experience.
  2. Layouts: Easily share your UI components between routes while preserving state and avoiding expensive re-renders that we all hate.
  3. Nested Routing: Now, using the App Router, you can create nested routes within your application, allowing for more complex navigation structures.
  4. Loading States: By supporting loading states, you can display loading indicators or placeholders while fetching data for a particular route.
  5. Error Handling: Built-in error handling features that allow you to handle errors easily and display appropriate error messages to your users.

These features and much more make the Next.js 13 App Router a powerful tool for building dynamic and complex applications with seamless navigation and improved performance.

App Router: Pros and Cons

Now, let’s explore a few more aspects to consider when deciding whether to switch to the new App Router:

  1. Learning Curve: The App Router introduces a new paradigm for building applications, which may require some time and effort to learn and understand, But it won’t take up much of your time since I assume you are already familiar with the pages directory.
  2. Compatibility with Existing Codebase: If you have an existing project built on the Pages Router, migrating to the App Router may require significant changes to your codebase, which could be time-consuming and costly.
  3. Stability Concerns: A comment i found on Hacker News suggests that while Next.js 13 has its merits, it may not be stable yet, and it might take some time before it becomes stable.
  4. Community Support: As the App Router is a relatively new feature, there may be limited community support and resources available compared to the Pages Router, which has been around for longer.

Dig Deeper: Check out my other article for an in-depth comparison of the App Router vs. Pages Router.

Pages vs App directory


The decision to switch to the new Next.js 13 App Router should be based on your specific project requirements and goals.

The recent stable release of the App Router, has made it a compelling option for building dynamic and complex applications with seamless navigation and improved performance.

So, it’s up to you to weigh the benefits against the potential trade-offs and make the decision.

Currently, this article is in the underwriting phase. since the app router is getting updated From time to time.

Thx Giphy

Glad I could assist! If you’ve got more questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to drop them below. As a newbie to web development and programming, I’m eager to learn and welcome any tips to get better. Let’s grow together!

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Web Developer | Tech Writer | English Student #nextjs #react #typescript