The 3 Political Buzzwords We Need to Eliminate in 2018

Craig Harper
4 min readJan 10, 2018

We have entered the era of the buzzword. Thanks to the rapid growth of social media microblogging, less is more. Here, I set out why we need to eliminate three specific buzzwords from our political discourse — and fast.


If there is one word that seems to accurately sum up those on both the extreme left and the extreme right, it’s ‘snowflake’.

The extremities of the political spectrum are dogged with offense sensitivity. The smallest slight triggers an emotional response related to victimhood.

These effects aren’t limited to one side of the aisle. Whether it’s a leftist becoming offended by the use of incorrect personal pronouns or a rightist losing their mind about the ‘war on Christmas’, these judgements are about ideological extremity — not ideological direction.

That all being said, calling those experiencing offense “snowflakes” (or the alternative “broflake”) does nothing but make them double-down, embedding the offense response and causing even more polarization of ideological views.

My advice? Take time to understand the source of offense, and discuss it like adults, rather than resorting to the easier tactic of ridicule and name-calling.

“Fake News”



Craig Harper

Social psychologist and researcher interested in sexuality and political issues. Posts about psychology, science, and education. Twitter: @CraigHarper19