Why Blog? A Journey Exploring How Blogging Can Improve Your Life

Owen / Crazy Sheep
5 min readOct 16, 2023


Since starting a blog, I have only just started to realise the multitude of benefits that blogging can bring into your life.

Having a blog can deliver you some of the most valuable insights, ranging from a deeper understanding of life to where you need to improve in your own.

Inside this compact blog post, we’ll explore the more impactful aspects of how blogging enhances your life. So no delay, let’s dive in!

Why I Blog

I love blogging, or writing in general, because it gives me a vessel to put my thoughts and passions into a visual manifestation.

Leaving thoughts in our heads can often lead to overthinking and the sense of overwhelm. However, by placing them on paper (or a blog) can make it easier because you can physically see it.

Photo Courtesy of Aaron Burden via Unsplash.com

Eventhough, writing down your thoughts can help you, it also won’t solve anything until you acknowledge how you may solve them. Take for example, when I’m working on an article, I plan the outline and what it includes before writing it, otherwise it would be a jumbled mess!

Last but not least, it’s inspiring people with insightful and engaging content that is definitely up there in the ranks of why I personally blog. Next, we’ll start to discover the best perks we can all receive in our lives from writing.

Deeper Understanding of Life

As we begin and continue to create content, we not only improve our writing proficiency, but we learn more each time we write.

In the process of creating content, whether if it’s articles or blog posts, all require research. Through researching the subject in question, we therefore learn more about the world.

Photo Courtesy of Brett Jordan via Unsplash.com

Though depending on the genre for which the article is being written, can provide an even deeper comprehension. For instance, when I was researching for my post about the Traditions of Japan, I didn’t know anything about the Sumo or pet robots. Therefore, after finishing the article, broadened my understanding of Japan itself.

As we can see, the benefit of learning about the subject your writing about remains profound. Moreover, it’s something that can potentially be carried over into other areas of our lives, such as education. At least if that’s not your thing, it might be useful in a pub quiz!

Provides a Routine

It may not sound that exciting at first, but blogging regularly makes you stay accountable to your goals.

Just as your morning routine is formed around habit more than conscious thoughts, writing on a schedule each week provides stability and minimises the tendency to procrastinate.

When you commit to blogging regularly, it creates a sense of responsibility to our goals. Knowing you have a set time to publish new content keeps you motivated and focused on producing quality work. It helps to cultivate discipline to ensure we maintain momentum in our endeavors.

In addition to these personal benefits, establishing a schedule into your blogging practice will also contribute to building a loyal audience. When readers know when to expect new content, they are more likely to engage with your blog regularly. Consistency grows trust and reliability, leading to stronger connections within your readership.

Gives Insights into Your Own Life

One amazing aspect of blogging is that it provides a personal platform for introspection, allowing opportunities to gain deep insights into our own lives.

Through the act of writing, we receive the chance to reflect on our experiences, thoughts and emotions. This process of self-reflection can help uncover patterns, identify areas of growth and obtain a better understanding of our own motivations and desires.

Photo Courtesy of Jan Kahánek via Unsplash.com

As you delve into the depths of your mind and spill the thoughts onto the digital pages, you may be surprised by unexpected realisations and personal revelations that start to appear.

Blogging acts as a personal journal, chronicling our journey and documenting our experiences. By logging stories and insights we not only provide ourselves with a reference book for the future, but also sharing them with others at the same time.

Makes an Enjoyable Hobby

Having a blog isn’t just a platform of self-expression, but also serves as an incredibly enjoyable hobby. It provides an opportunity to tap into our creative side and share our passions with the world.

Whether you’re writing about your favourite cake recipes, discussing recent bird sightings or sharing travel experiences, blogging allows you to indulge in your interests and post content you genuinely love.

Photo Courtesy of Steve Johnson via Unsplash.com

In the process of crafting engaging blog posts, choosing visuals and interacting with readers is extremely fulfilling and creates a sense of joy that comes from pursuing a hobby that aligns with your interests and passions.

Lastly, one more of the great joys of blogging is the freedom it offers to experiment and explore different writing styles and subjects. Diving into various niches and discovering what truly excites you is absolutely reassuring!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, blogging offers an entire myriad of benefits that can greatly enhance your life. From providing deeper insights into your own life to serving as an engaging hobby, blogging has the power to be a transformative endeavor.

In addition to the personal benefits, blogging offers many practical benefits. It can can contribute to your professional development, help you refine your writing skills and even open up opportunities and partnerships with businesses.

So, whether you’re considering starting a blog or you already have one, remember the immense potential it holds. Embrace the journey of blogging, and allow it to improve your life in ways you didn’t think possible.

Enjoy reading this post? Don’t forget to check out my other posts over at my blog Unknown Voyager! https://ko-fi.com/unknownvoyager

