Skyrocket User Experience with Effective Call-to-Action Buttons

Dominik Lyko
4 min readMar 28, 2023

In UI/UX design, call-to-action (CTA) buttons are an essential element of any user interface. They are the buttons that prompt users to take a specific action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading an app. A well-designed CTA button can significantly improve conversion rates and user engagement, while a poorly designed button can lead to frustration and abandonment. In this blog post, we will explore how to create effective call-to-action buttons that get users to take the desired action.

Make it Stand Out

One of the most important aspects of an effective call-to-action button is its visibility. The button needs to be easily noticeable and stand out from the rest of the UI elements on the page. To achieve this, use contrasting colors, bold typography, and white space around the button. The button should be large enough to be easily clickable and should not blend in with the background.

Use Action-Oriented Text



Dominik Lyko

Ui/Ux designer, helping businesses attract new customers, and improve their online presence.