Waddup Linux

A little history about Linux.

2 min readNov 26, 2023

Peace, what’s up, tech enthusiasts? Today, we’re gonna take a trip down memory lane and dive into the fascinating history of Linux. So sit back, relax, and let’s get into it!

Back in the early '90s, a dude named Linus Torvalds was like, "Yo, I wanna create my own operating system, ya know?" So he started workin' on this project and called it Linux (after himself, of course).

Linux wasn't built from scratch; it was based on an old-school operating system called UNIX. But Torvalds took it to the next level by making it free and open-source. That means anyone could contribute and make it even better. Talk about community power, right?

Over the years, this baby grew up and became a major player in the tech world. It's everywhere, from your smartphones to your fridges (yep, even your fridge might be runnin' Linux!). Big companies like Google and Amazon rely on it too. It's all about that flexibility and customization.

But Linux ain't just for the geeks. It's for anyone who wants control over their tech. It's reliable, secure, and constantly evolving. Plus, it's got a bunch of flavors (or "distros," as we call 'em), so you can find one that suits your style.

So there you have it, a brief history of Linux in a nutshell. From Torvalds' brainchild to a global phenomenon, Linux has come a long way. It's all about the power of community and giving everyone the freedom to tinker and create. Keep on rockin', Linux lovers!





Full Stack "Creative" who enjoys developing solutions for everyday use.