All the slides (and more) from IASummit 2014

Couldn’t make it to San Diego? Want to relive your favorite talk? 

Daniel Newman
9 min readMar 28, 2014

The 2014 IA Summit was held March 26-30, 2014 in San Diego. Three years ago, at the 2011 conference, Martin Belam was nice enough to collect and curate all the slides from all the presenters, which was a tremendous resource in the weeks and months following the event.

This year, Martin was a keynote speaker, so I’ve attempted to take up the mantle and collect as many links to slide decks/blog posts/handouts/Twitter profiles relevant to the presentations as possible. Please ping me @creativenewman or comment here with any materials that I haven’t found yet.

Have a bulletpoints, sketchnotes, a Storify, or a blog post that you’ve created in response to a presentation? Send those my way, too! You can also get a flavor of the event from the photos and tweets at Seen.

Day One

Day 2

Day 3


Recaps, Articles, Etc.



What will IA be in an Internet of Things? by Jason Alderman
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Prototyping Using Handmock by Concent, Inc.
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Taxonomy: What is it Good For? by Andy Fitzgerald
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Low-carbon experience design by James Christie
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All processes resemble each other by Carl Collins
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From Market Insights to Design Strategy by Dolly Parikh
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UX Discovery: …Time for That by Andrea Dulko
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The Pagefold Predicament by Lis Pardi
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Home Smart Home by Charlene McBride
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Using Network Diagrams to Visualize Card Sorts by Sean Fitzell and Kate Merlie
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I Love It, I Hate It, I’m Too Lazy to Switch: The Human Experience of Digital Music Services by Rachael Price and Jin Ha Lee
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How Hypermida Looked in 1934 by Paula Macedo
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A Collaborative Wireframing Technique by Jessica Hang, Michelle Chin, and Virginia Moore
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Behold The Power of Analogies! by Jessica Hang, Michelle Chin, and Virginia Moore
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Portal Redesign Casestudy by João de Freitas
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Case study details

The 2015 Information Architecture Summit will be held April 22-26, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN.

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Daniel Newman

Director of Product Design at @NPRdesign; Past @IASummit co-chair; Dad to two great kids.