Creativechain: the social network of decentralized creative communities is about to be launched!

4 min readMar 19, 2018

After completing a beta phase in the test blockchain, the team is now ready to announce that the the platform is about to be launched!

Creativechain is a blockchain platform for multimedia registration and distribution that allows to indelibly certify the intellectual property and distribution license of any digital art production.

The decentralized creative community

Imagine a social network of creative portfolios such as Behance or Vimeo, but without intermediaries, and in which users can interact directly with their followers by sharing content with various copyright licenses. For this, all the benefits of blockchain technology have been applied to create a decentralized market, without censorship and 100% P2P.

Certify digital art creations safely on the blockchain

Creativechain is challenging the centralized power of traditional systems of copyright management entities. Offering a public and transparent alternative of intellectual property registration, making a brilliant use of the revolutionary distributed technology.

The platform applies all the power of attorney of the Blockchain as a Test of Creation in the process of registration of contents, in this way imperishable time stamps that certify the authorship of any digital work are created automatically.

Connect with Creative Communities

Aimed at all graphic artists, musicians, designers and professionals in the audiovisual sector who produce digital content and use the Internet to sell or distribute their creations among their fans and followers.

Without intermediaries

Thanks to the Creativechain peer-to-peer ecosystem, opaque and centralized models of content distribution can be left behind, whose intermediaries set enormous rates that make the work of authors more expensive.

A decentralized social network without censorship, where you can freely share your creations in an economy governed by the community itself.

How to get Creativecoins?

Creativechain incorporates multiple P2P methods of selling and distributing content using Creativecoin [CREA], the official cryptocurrency of the platform.

Artists can get their first CREA in different ways: Distributing quality works on the platform using their various distribution methods. Receiving direct microdonations with every like in the publication, The classic “I like it”, is no longer just a symbolic action for the fans of a content but every time you make a like the author receives a small instant reward in CREA. Another way to get Creativecoins on this platform is to reach ranges of experience thanks to the activity and interaction (buzz) with other users.

Become a genius: The buzz is the system of “gamification” of the platform that is based on the evaluation of experience, this shows numerically the impact or buzz that has had a publication in the community, taking into account the total computation of all the interactions received, either through the number of downloads, likes or any Smart Action issued. This number will be a value of recognition within the community, to more buzz higher level of user experience and higher profile quality. Levels: Novice, Trainee, Advanced, Expert, Influencer, Master, Guru, Genius.

Another method to earn CREA is through the mining process, using a GPU or CPU graphics card. Creativechain uses a state-of-the-art algorithm known as Keccak-c. On the website you can find all the information related to this participation process.

CREA is currently traded in various markets through exchanges such as Cryptopia, Coinexchange or Cryptobridge. You can also acquire CREA directly with Euro, USD or Mexican Pesos using the platform

Rewards in CREA for the first registered users

On the occasion of the launch of the platform, a reward has been created in CREA for the first 20 thousand users who join the community. The percentage of this reward will decrease on the Fibonacci scale as new users are added to the platform:

A paradigm shift in the era of digital culture

The recent irruption of blockchain technology opens a universe of possibilities for the registration and distribution of intellectual property without intermediaries. The power of attorney along with the decentralized distribution of P2P digital content articulate a new paradigm shift in the era of digital culture.

The initiative has captured the attention of the cultural sector that sees in these decentralized systems an opportunity to improve the quality of content distribution channels and to obtain greater protection of their rights as authors and creators.




Crea is the platform for the creation of hypermedia dapps based on the #blockchain that rewards creatives and curators of digital content. CREA, IPFS, DPOS